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Bone Valley Meg

Tracer Jr.

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does anyone have any recommendations on where to get a decent black tip white root bone valley tooth at a fair price? i've always thought they were neat and i know they're getting to be less common, but i'm sure some prices are better than others. thanks :)

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I'm with PaleoRon on this. From what I understand dugong was a staple to the Meg's diet in FL, due to the super-dense nature of dugong bones, the Megs so often exhibit tip damage. So if you are willing to deal with a little tip damage you can save yourself literally $hundreds$.


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Hey TR, I dont know alot about the sharks teeth, but I do know that a good A-Grade Bone Valley tooth is gunna set you back some cash. The thing is, do it now while your young if you can afford it. Lots and lots of folks held off buying some fossil (me included) just to find out that years later it was even more expensive and how they regreted not buying it earlier. And not only that, its always the teeth and claws that always seem to go up in price as the years go by. Im not tryin to talk you into buying anything, just lettin you know what ive learned. Either way, I wish you all the luck.


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Guest bmorefossil

if there is any damage to the tooth at all the price drops alot, ill see a 2 1/4" meg sell for over 100 when you can buy now a tooth that is larger for less.

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