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Texas Question


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My wife works with someone with property near the Brazos river in Bosque County. That area is foreign to me. She was wondering if that area produced fossils, and if so, what to look for. I told her to look for gravel in the creek, and keep an eye out for sharks teeth. (Could be there) Also urchins. Im sure this is more of a posibility.



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I have no idea about fossils there, but was wondering how your job search is going?


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Any road cut anywhere in Bosque County could possibly yield fossils.


The Eocene is my favorite

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I have no idea about fossils there, but was wondering how your job search is going?


Still no job... I did apply for unemployment, and they are supose to give me just about 400 a week, But I just found out that I have to wait until they contact my last job to verify that I was laid off, then wait for them to respond, and then cut me a check..... So I wont see a check until mid march probably. I have 3 job fairs tomorrow, so I have high hopes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Any limestone has the potential to produce, but you'd want to narrow down the formation for them.

You might have just as much luck finding stuff in the gravel beds as you mentioned.


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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