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Damaged Fossil

Fossil Claw

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I bought this large turtle skull fossil (about 9 inches by 9 inches). Found in the Sahara desert. approx.. 65M years old. Bough it from a USA seller.

The matrix broke apart in shipping but the fossil itself still looks good.

Does this ruin the value of the piece? See pictures.

Trying to determine if I should return it or not?

Attached is a picture before shipping and then some damage pictures after shipping.

Thank you.








Edited by Fossil Claw
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I am sorry to say that the skull appears to have been fabricated.

Hopefully the seller did not represent the piece as authentic.

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I have to add my strong reservations about its authenticity.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Fossils sold in the States from Morocco have a high degree of forgery associated with them. Sadly I agree with the others.

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Hey guys... To help out the original post, I would like to hear why you guys are all so quick to call it a fake.

Let’s start with the way the matrix so perfectly broke off the “skull” without any damage to it. In this case, it does not seem to be a natural weakness in the rock that released during transit in the way it is so perfect and this is highly suggestive that the two were not properly connected and are not associated. What matrix is left on the edges of the “skull” looks like what is left after smearing fake matrix paste (some sort of crushed genuine rock mixed with glue concoction) between the “skull” and the matrix pedestal.

The matrix base (from the photos) appears to be a fake medium too which is the same as in those “compound mosasaur jaws” from the drying pattern of the slightly lighter bits. The edge of the matrix looks as if it was not carved into shape but rather moulded. I would try breaking another bit off and submerging it in water to see what happens - if my theory is correct, it should dissolve.

Now onto the “skull”. Let’s just say, it looks a bit strange as it does not appear like real bone, all one continuous piece with no crack marks in expected areas. The “skull” looks to be carved, see attached picture highlighting something strange going on with the forming. A genuine skull would not have this mark from being carved when not fully set.


I am also not sure what the white patches are doing in the “eye sockets”, looks to me like it is unpainted plaster.

The way it comes from Morocco is also a clue to this being a counterfeit; it is not uncommon to see fake Moroccan fossils, and putting that together with the clues from how your specimen was presented, my conclusion has come to call this bogus.

Maybe some of that made sense to you. After a while looking at fossils for sale and preparing your own, some specimens show red flags without much thought so it becomes difficult to explain thought processes without saying “because it is”. I agree that sometimes these judgements can be wrong, but most of the time red flags are red flags. Thanks jpc for bringing up how we came to our conclusions as it will help others understand.


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Hey guys... To help out the original post, I would like to hear why you guys are all so quick to call it a fake.

I've seen lots of these faked at the Tucson Show which makes me biased. I would call this one very suspicious because I just don't like the way the bone looks. Also the way the skull separated from the matrix is very odd and just adds to my suspicion. Bottom line I would have to have it in my possession to make a final call on it. Just too many variables why would return it.

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The sutures of the skull are a poor parody of the real thing.

Enlarge it, JP, and try to sort them out; they ain't right!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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It doesn't "look" right overall.

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

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