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Can Anyone Tell Me If This Has Been Altered At All?


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Well, this has been an on going topic for a little while now, I've contacted multiple people, and each person has something different to say. I got this tusk from Indonesia, I was told it was 100% natural, just as it was when it came out of the ground, however, I do not believe that is true. The tusk had shipping damage, where about 8" of the tip broke off, so I wrapped tape around it to hold together the loose pieces ( which I now know is a no-no). When I removed the tape, the coloring came off with it, so I investigated further, and found with a Q-tip dipped in vinegar, the coloring can be removed, I also found that if I take a dental pic to the cracks in the tusk, once I remove the "dirt" from it, a white, chalky substance appears, but I can't tell if it's plaster or not. I was told that when a tusk fossilizes, it can release a white chalky substance., I have no idea if that is possible.

The seller said that it's just the coloring from the ground coming off the tusk, not paint/prep, which I don't believe.

I contacted DR. Gomer, he said it definitely looks like it has had some sort of filler/prep job on it, but he can't be sure until he see's it in person, I'm bringing it to him in 2 weeks, so he can check it out, however, I'd like a few more opinions before I do that.

Any info would be appreciated.




There's also a suspicious flat spot on the tusk, about 15" long, but it's hard to photograph.


Edited by thefossilkid


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Could we see a picture of the entire tusk. I believe your suspicions are warranted.


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Sure thing, here are the pictures he sent me,




Took some more pictures,


The flat spot I was talking about,


Once of the cracks I picked at, revealing the white substance,


The end of the tusk,


Edited by thefossilkid


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I think it is the patination that is in question? That it is a tusk seems pretty clear.

Of what age is it purported to be?

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Yes, its 100% tusk, whether it's been repaired to altered in anyway is the question.

I do not know the approx. age.

Edited by thefossilkid


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The close-ups in the original post suggest some type of filler may have been used, but restoration of tusk is out of the realm of my experience. Thanks for the second post, I too wonder the age and what the expert has to say in two weeks. Nice specimen of the tusk of what animal (is it so obvious that I am going to feel silly asking)?

Also something in photo to show the size of the tusk.


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?. What did they advertise it as when you bought it? They had to say something other than a Tusk for sale.

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Looks real to me, I have a few pieces and the color will also come of any bone.

And would not be picking at it too much further I have pieces of Ivory ,that are real soft , almost a waxy feel


Edited by Jeff L Nolan


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