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Any Ideas Of The Owner Of This.

worthy 55

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Yes, a better one would be good...

Now I see it, do not know who it belongs to though...

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Sure looks like an Alopias to me. I would call it Alopias vulpinus.

I believe they are a rare tooth in Gainesville's Hawthorne Formation. Very nice find!


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Pic's too dark for me to judge the amount of wear, but the gross shape looks "threshery".

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It belonged to a shark. :P

I thought he was asking who the finder was..well just read Worthy's post again..

Looking for a place to hide now! That'll teach me to read posts so fast...


Welcome to the forum!

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I thought he was asking who the finder was..well just read Worthy's post again..

Looking for a place to hide now! That'll teach me to read posts so fast...



It's my bone!!!

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I'm leaning towards thresher as well

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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It is difficult to see from the pictures, but: if it has a distinct lingual protuberance (bulge on the the display side root) then it is most likely a Contortus; if it does not then it is most likely a thresher. If it has evidence of serrations, it would also scream "contortus".


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Yeah, it's to worn to get a good ID on it thanks anyways guys. B)B)B):D


It's my bone!!!

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