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Calvert Cliffs Geology: Shattuck Zones


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I'm looking for a description of the various layers, also sometimes referred to as "zones" (aka Shattuck Zones), along Calvert Cliffs in Maryland. From what I understand, the actual fossil layers (members/formations) don't necessarily correspond one for one to the Shattuck zones. One time I saw a diagram that depicted the layers and where they were located within the cliffs; this diagram showed the cliffs all the way from Chesapeake Beach down to Solomons. I can't seem to find it though. It would be great though to find a description of how to identify each zone and/or fossil formation. For example, I've always understood zone 10 to be a layer that is gray in color, full of sand and shells and various verterbrate fossils. I don't know much about the other zones, their description, how to identify them, or what is contained in them (if anything).



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Hi Daryl

One reference that I use to describe the beds is a publication put out by the Calvert Museum called Fossils of Calvert Cliffs by Wallace Ashby. Not sure its still available.

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Hi Daryl

One reference that I use to describe the beds is a publication put out by the Calvert Museum called Fossils of Calvert Cliffs by Wallace Ashby. Not sure its still available.

Thanks. I'll check it out.

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Thanks guys, collectively that's some great info and I don't think I own the one publication that Metopocetus linked. If I ever find that diagram I was referring to I'll post it back here.


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