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I'm very interested anthropology and our hominid ancestors. For careers, what branch of anthropology is most focused on studying hominid fossils. I also was curious what the difference between paleoanthropology and physical anthropology


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Physical anthropology is the study of, and provides the insight to, biological and behavioural aspects for hominids, related primates and extinct hominin ancestors.

Paleoanthropology combines that subset of anthropology with the separate discipline of palaeontology and so that’s the field most focussed on the study of hominid fossils and associated trace fossils.

Although it’s a UK organisation, you may be interested in the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Education Outreach Programme website which has some interesting information about career paths:


Edited by painshill


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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