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More Funky Stuff From Greenville, Nc

Frank Menser

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Both of these were found together with a Peccary tooth in the Green Mill Run near the 5th st. bridge. Both pieces are about .05" so these are the best shots I could take.

This appears to have an enamel layer on the outside, but is it a tooth?


Very heavy strirations on this...Croc?


Be true to the reality you create.

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I can't make anything out of the first one but the second one looks like it's from a mammal tooth. It has some interesting ridges on it. Can you post a pic of the opposite side?

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Guest bmorefossil

yea im not seeing anything that jumps out and says fossil with the first one but the second one its a tooth i can see why Ron is saying mammal, but would like more pictures.

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Ok...my numb fingers strike again. It is .5" The bad news is the other side is pretty well gone.

Be true to the reality you create.

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