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Fossil Display


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Hi guys :D

Sorry if this is not being posted in an inappropriate... location?

We (my dad and I) have been wanting to make a fossil display for ages! Most of our fossils are either sitting on the floor of the house... everywhere. Or in storage. We decided to ask you fellow members about any tips/tricks to display our finds!

Here is a label prototype, I guess you would call it :P

Enjoy! Any tips of how to make it better is appreciated.


Made on a Mac OS X application called 'Pages'. A bit like 'Word'.

Thanks for any help!


Edited by izak_
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I find that glass cabinets with good lighting are the most aesthetic way of displaying fossils. That would be something you'd most likely need to buy, though i get the impression your looking to go down the DIY route?

Otherwise you can get fairly cheap glass cabinets from IKEA such as the Detolf cabinet which is only about $100. Though i wouldn't recommend that for large, heavy rock specimens as the glass shelves are probably not strong enough for that so it depends on the kind of stuff you are wanting to display. For big heavy rocks with fossils on them wooden shelving might be better.

Your card is nice and simple and i like the added reconstruction of how the plant would have appeared in life. One thing i would add though is the geological formation.

"In Africa, one can't help becoming caught up in the spine-chilling excitement of the hunt. Perhaps, it has something to do with a memory of a time gone by, when we were the prey, and our nights were filled with darkness..."

-Eternal Enemies: Lions And Hyenas

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Oh, yeah. thanks Nathan. Of course, the formation :D:fistbump:

We already have our own DIY wooden cabinets ready to go, just the labelling and how to display them.

Thanks for your help!

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Ah i see!

You could organize them any way you want i guess- by location, time period, type of organism. Maybe if you've got lots of specimens from one locality print off some info about the site, it's paleoenvironment, fauna/flora, evolutionary context or whatever else is interesting about it and it's fossils to go with the display. I blue tack sheets like this on the back wall of some of my cabinets, above the specimens it relates to so you can read and see the fossils at the same time like a museum display sort of thing.

As for the labels, there was a thread not too long ago about writing specimen/catalogue numbers or other info on the specimens vs using small paper cards like what you've written up in your original post that might be worth a read. I use small cards like what you've done but many others don't and choose to write on the fossil itself as it is a better way of assuring the supporting info stays with the specimen. There are pros and cons to each method though. In the end it is just personal preference.

Where will this display be by the way? In your room?

Anyway, just my two cents. I'm sure others will chime in with some nice suggestions.

"In Africa, one can't help becoming caught up in the spine-chilling excitement of the hunt. Perhaps, it has something to do with a memory of a time gone by, when we were the prey, and our nights were filled with darkness..."

-Eternal Enemies: Lions And Hyenas

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It is a good idea to include not necessarily the full info directly on the specimen but a simple catalogue number written on it in archival ink in an unobtrusive spot, and the same number on your corresponding card or notebook or wherever you want to keep that info. The idea is to prevent mixups during moves etc.

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A friend of mine takes photos of all of his fossils and uses a simple app to add all of the label info on the photos. He keeps these on his computer and in a photo album. I myself keep all of my labels and records in my Google drive. Then I can access it anywhere and share it.

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I would consider arranging your fossils by locality as it will tell more of a story when you show them off.

Fossils you have collected front and centre, ones that you have bought off to the sides- be proud of your personal experiences!

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I'm in the Ordovician which means the fossils I find are sea creatures.

I rather like old aquariums for displays with a sea creature background. I've tried to find creatures that were similar to the fossils I'm displaying to give an idea of what the fossils would have looked like as living creatures.

Also, if you have fossils that fluoresce under black light you can add an inexpensive black light that you can turn on at will to offer a whole different dimension to the display.

I HATE dusting, so a display that is closed works for me!

Good luck on your display and please post a picture on this thread when you have it done. :-D

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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