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Singing In The Rain


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The day started off with everyone meeting in the contractors parking lot to a wet and gloomy day. Everyone in anticipation of whether or not if the hunt was still on. Then the word came in that the bus that takes us into the mine broke down on the way to get us. But thankfully Curtis Ormand came to the rescue with another bus and a couple of vans. THANK YOU CURTIS!!! And thanks to all the guides for for all there hard work and dedication. With out them there wouldnt be a hunting season in Aurora.

My wife and I were one of the last ones in so we had a slow start. Most of the people were already a ways out in the mine. But with how big the area is for this year it didnt matter. As we started our walk out i saw a nice area of Pungo that i told my wife to check out because it was passed by everyone. Then as she started to hunt i took off to find some of the prime Yorktown. If i would have stuck with her for 5 min i would have seen the huge Chubby that she found. As i walked for about 20 min i finally got into some really nice Yorktown and stayed there all day in the hopes of finding the big one. Well that didnt happen this trip but i did manage to find a great assortment of other things. I was happy overall for the whole trip and i guess i will just have to wait until the next time for the big one.

The best makos between both of us


Some of the better stuff


All the cows


Some decent whale teeth


One honker ray scute measures 4"


The only meg that i found 2 7/8"


What would have been a nice patho Meg


The perfect Chubby that my wife found just minutes into the hunt

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A nice Hemi that measures a hair shy of 2"

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A nice Hex


The best for last...3 Associated Pilot Whale teeth.



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What a bunch of outstanding finds!!!!!!!post-23-1236314435.gif I really need to do that trip one day. B)B)B):D

It's my bone!!!

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Man am I getting anxious. Is it March 29th yet?? This is going to be my birthday present (Bday actually 3/17 - St. Patty's Day) and am I looking forward to enjoying it.

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HOLY snarge!!! I could really get into hunting for teeth if I knew I could find stuff like that!!! Very impressive!!!


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How do you thank PCS for this opportunity? They expend time, effort, and money, and they don't have to!

Let's give it up for Curtis & Company! :applause:

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

I can't wait to see some of these in person. Question about the pilot teeth, two seem to have the same wear pattern on them. Is that a wear pattern or the shape of the enamel?

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Guest bmorefossil

awsome finds you two! i just shake my head when your wife comes out with stuff like that! She is a fossil finding phreak!!!! (see what i did there with the ph) :faint: .....never mind, but nice finds I hope I have as much luck as you guys.

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Really great finds! I'm hoping to find some whale teeth this year as well. I've been in there a few times and have only found one small worn tooth :(

Thanks for the pictures! I can't wait to get in there!!!!!! Wish us luck ^_^ I'm hoping my girlfriend finds something good so she'll get hooked even more :shark: :D

Is anyone going down on the 28th of March? I'm asking because I could bring some fossils to trade ;)

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Excellent finds, though it seems you're going to have to pick up the pace; Your wife is whooping ya! :P . See you at the end of the month.

Happy Hunting,


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holy mad cow fever! great assortment of finds from you two. I believe the large "ray scute" is actually a sturgeon gill plate armor.

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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Guest bmorefossil
Man am I getting anxious. Is it March 29th yet?? This is going to be my birthday present (Bday actually 3/17 - St. Patty's Day) and am I looking forward to enjoying it.

well happy birthday, seems like alot of people are going in on the 28th or 29th and no one for May 3rd lol I wish I knew someone else thats going then

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Guest bmorefossil
holy mad cow fever! great assortment of finds from you two. I believe the large "ray scute" is actually a sturgeon gill plate armor.

really? not sure I have ever seen one of these before guess its time to look it up and see what i can find. I could swear this thing looks like a ray scute

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I can't wait to see some of these in person. Question about the pilot teeth, two seem to have the same wear pattern on them. Is that a wear pattern or the shape of the enamel?

Yeah all three have the same wear pattern. Its where the teeth from the upper or lower jaw rub up against each other.

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holy mad cow fever! great assortment of finds from you two. I believe the large "ray scute" is actually a sturgeon gill plate armor.

toothpuller - woould you happen to have any more info on that. I would realy like to know exactly what it is. thanks

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actually I think it might be sturgeon brain case or dermal armor from right in back of the skull. years ago someone IDed one I found from GMR as a gill plate but I never was able to confirm it. check this out.


toothpuller - woould you happen to have any more info on that. I would realy like to know exactly what it is. thanks

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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Yeah all three have the same wear pattern. Its where the teeth from the upper or lower jaw rub up against each other.

Technically speaking... unless the teeth are in a skull or jaw, there aren't any features of pilot whale teeth that allow them to be identified when isolated. In other words, there is no way to tell between pilot whale (Globicephala) and primitive killer whale, false killer whale, a large extinct oceanic dolphin called Hemisyntrachelus, and a small killer whale Arimidelphis.

The only parts of the Globicephala skeleton that are diagnostic/look different than other large delphinids are the skull, periotic, lower jaw, and potentially the humerus and atlas/axis.


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