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Today At The Pond...

Frank Menser

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Took our second trip out to the pond site near our home in Ayden, NC. The first trip had been very productive (above photos) including a Mosasaur vert, a 3" Meg, Barracuda jaw with teeth and a possible Walrus tusk.

This trip, my wife joined Robert and I. Got there around 12:30 on a windy-but finally warm day, temps near 70*. The site is where they dredged out a pond, but in doing so they spred the fill out instead of leaving piles so it is more like being at a beach. A gentle slope making for easy walking. The fill was zoned so that the first you come to is grey and filled with shells. It had rained heavily a few days before, so I checked the errosion traks where the run-off had carved deep furrows into the sand. I found a partial tooth (poss Mosasaur). The whole area was littered with Belemites so I picked the largest I could find. There was a lot to chose from.

From there I passed into the orange area. Shells are far less common there but this has been the place where the Megs have shown up. Today was not so lucky. After an hour's hunting I joined my friend collecting in the mostly dry pond it self. Odd it was to see my old florida friend, Gambusio affinis-the Mosquito fish swiming in the inch deep water. Soon though I stumbled on a nice 1" shark tooth. The belemites were larger here so I grabbed a few.

By then my condition caught up with me. I had a near fatal illness and am still recovering. So I directed my tracks back towards our vehicles. This brought me back to the gray area. It was in there that I found my first ever definite Mosasaur tooth 1.5" sitting in plain site. A nearby foot print indicated how close my hunting buddy had come to making this discovery himself. A few bone fragments were nearby so I pocketed them. Robert showed up with a couple of Mosasaur verts, one of a respectable size. He presented me with an odd rock that had iridescent metalic spots on a gey and brown matrix. A nice chunk of Hematite. He had also found a couple of Indian points and pottery fragments.

In all it was a productive day, though my feet and back may take a while to forgive me.


Be true to the reality you create.

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Man it looks like you have a gold mine in that pond. Very nice finds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Alas, Eden is a temporary place. Eventually the fill will be worked and the weeds will take over. But in the meantime....


Be true to the reality you create.

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Nice stuff. Never seen a barracuda jaw. I have found some teeth though. Sweet mosasaur tooth.

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