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Fossil Sites In Iowa And Illinois?


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Can anyone direct me to any fossil sites in Iowa or Illinois? I'm visiting for three days this next weekend and would like to get done fossil hunting in while I'm there.

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I will have a very limited time frame, so I'll need a specific site to go to.

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Where in Illinois will you be staying?

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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Conditions will not be ideal as the ground will still be half frozen. Since you'll be in the illinois/iowa area...I can only suggest one spot...wild cat park. Fossil collecting is permitted as is collecting Keokuk geodes. The rivers might be high, but the little streams in the area should be perfect. The shale I've hunted at wild cat park is rich in long crinoid stems with the occasional peppering of bivalves and other marine life. The Keokuk area is rich with fossils and you shouldn't have any problems finding a road cut or stream cut within an hour of being there. The park is the only public place I know of besides streams....and the Mississippi river as my hunting areas are on private land. You could also take a trip to Briarwood and hunt the mazon creek around pit 11...but it's heavily searched.

I'd suggest starting your hunt now with Google Earth...as you stated your time is limited.

Best regards,


...I'm back.

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I go to Graf Iowa and have been collecting trilo pieces for the last few days. I will be going back tonight if weather conditions permit.

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All of Iowa and Illinois is a lot of territory, and you'll probably want to spend time collecting rather than driving. Can you be more specific about where you will be based?


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I know for Illinois, it will be somewhere near Chicago. I'm not the one planning the trip, so I'm fuzzy on the exact routes at the moment...

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Between Davenport and Iowa City specifically

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Fossil prairie park would be a long drive for you. Sent a message for a local spot near Iowa City

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I am in davenport currently because of work. I am also looking for new places as the list that is available is fairly unclear

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Charlie, myself, fossil diver steve, and perhaps a few others are hunting mazon on Sunday morning. Personal message me if you're interested.

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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I have a while day to hunt so anyplace farther north you could suggest? Thanks again

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