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Anyone Go Out Fossiling Today?

Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

WE TOOK THE BOAT OUT!!!!! yes it was warm enough to take the boat out today so im sure that a few of the members on the forum got out and did some fossiling today.

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Well I'm sure you just didn't ride around and look at the seagulls.......Where's the fossils????

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Lance and I just got back from a DPS trip (not department of public safety) Dallas Paleo Society, to a quarry (TXI) in

Midlothian Texas. It is Eagleford Formation with Austin Chalk on top. Good place for ptychodus

mainly and verts, etc.

This first pic appears to be a long maybe 3 or 4 inch tooth of some kind. ?





Would have loved to have some shots of the quarry but no pics allowed

in there.

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Guest bmorefossil

awsome!!! im sure its from some kind of fish but that vert is awsome!!! what is it from?

hey im not going to post a trip report under gen. discussion haha ill post later, i was bare foot today thats how good i felt!!!!

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This first pic appears to be a long maybe 3 or 4 inch tooth of some kind. ?


Awful long and slender for a tooth; could it be a spine of some sort, or is there a lot of it hidden in the matrix?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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I am not sure but think he was going to work it out...

Someone else did find a spine and when compared they did not look alike.

But could be what it is.

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Afraid I don't have a clue of what kind of fish it came from..

Make that a shark vert,...sorry

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Guest bmorefossil

yea thats what it looks like to me, any chance for an id, i cant really tell but its one big shark

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yea thats what it looks like to me, any chance for an id, i cant really tell but its one big shark

Wish I knew what kind of shark. I found one last year when

at the same quarry but don't have any idea how to find out.

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Guest bmorefossil
Wish I knew what kind of shark. I found one last year when

at the same quarry but don't have any idea how to find out.

yea i guess your right, its easy to point out a megalodon vert but your looking in the wrong stuff for megs lol

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Yeah we went out. Mua ha ha. Nuff said.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Yeah we went out. Mua ha ha. Nuff said.

Yeah, we did.... I'm surprised Dan was able to post anything from his seat in the clouds.. B)


Wow, you guys did great! There's some monster teeth in hand.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Was it the Ashgrove quarry? I called them last month about setting up a trip for the forum group, but the guy said they were full up until fall...

Maybe you and Lance could give it a shot???


What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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Nice Vert!

Not out hunting today but am at home sorting through three buckets of Aurora dirt the museum gave me when I was too ill to hunt. So far two 2mm shark teeth, six around 1/4-1/2" an un IDed 1/4" tooth and an urchin spine!

Be true to the reality you create.

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Yeah, we did.... I'm surprised Dan was able to post anything from his seat in the clouds.. B)


Wow, you guys did great! There's some monster teeth in hand.

Too bad that tooth was in someone elses hand!

Welcome to the forum!

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Went out on Friday with Frank and Mary Ann Menser. Surface hunted a large pond dug out near the Contenea Creek ( Not sure of the spelling). Lots of grayish clay, shells, and some sharks teeth. Found what I believe is Mosasaur verts and a broken meg tooth. Was a great day to be hunting!, even with a bum shoulder. I will include the Meg tooth in a reply.


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Was it the Ashgrove quarry? I called them last month about setting up a trip for the forum group, but the guy said they were full up until fall...

Maybe you and Lance could give it a shot???


No, it was the TXI Quarry although you can see the Ashgrove Quarry from near there.

I can't contact them and hope you understand why. As a member of the DPS, they have made the contact

so I cannot call to try to get another group in. However Houston and Austin fossil groups both have trips there.

Welcome to the forum!

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Guest bmorefossil
No, it was the TXI Quarry although you can see the Ashgrove Quarry from near there.

I can't contact them and hope you understand why. As a member of the DPS, they have made the contact

so I cannot call to try to get another group in. However Houston and Austin fossil groups both have trips there.

that is really awsome, is there an age limit or anything to get in?

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that is really awsome, is there an age limit or anything to get in?

I would think teens would be allowed but not young kids cause the place

is kind of dangerous.

Welcome to the forum!

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Guest bmorefossil
I would think teens would be allowed but not young kids cause the place

is kind of dangerous.

i know that anyone is allowed into LaFarge

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Guest solius symbiosus

I spent yesterday at the microscope, but I spent a few hours out today. It was common stuff for the unit, so I didn't bring anything home. However, I did take a few photos of some large sponges(and some other stuff).

Stromotoporoids in the Millersburg mb.

Sometimes there are cavities in the sponge that fills with calcite. Width of photo about 8cm


Close up of stucture. Width of photo about 12cm.










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