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Teeth Id


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Hi there I really don't see any turtle material there. Turtles and tortoises have beaks rather than teeth.

The jaw section looks fishy to me.The second pic looks like a broken piece of fish tooth.

Iv'e seen those teeth in the jaw section you have there, just not sure who they belong to.

I'm sure others will weigh in.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Extremely interesting items you have found. I can't Id them, but I am waiting for someone to ID them. I would guess that you have a very interesting site you've discovered.

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Nice finds, I don't think that is turtle either, never seen turtle like that. I would say fish also.

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Hi there I really don't see any turtle material there. Turtles and tortoises have beaks rather than teeth.

The jaw section looks fishy to me.The second pic looks like a broken piece of fish tooth.

Iv'e seen those teeth in the jaw section you have there, just not sure who they belong to.

I'm sure others will weigh in.

I think Dan had some teeth like that on here for ID?

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1. looks mammalian, possibly some sort of deer..

2. Fragment of a tusk of some sort?

3. Looks like part of a turtle shell, likely that of Apalone Ferox, the soft-shelled turtle, because of it's semi-unique turtle shell texture.

4. I want to say fragment of a Vertebrae, but I don't know why.

How's my ID's, guys?

EDIT: now that I've said it, I feel like a moron. Scratch horse on the first one, the teeth are WAAY to small for horse lol

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It looks like its from a Tapirus sp. to me. ;) What is the size of it by the way?

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or Tapir like lawooten said....I was looking at some images online and Tapir and Peccary look kinda similar.

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...and what about the strange enamel formation? It looks as if it was rough to the touch (sorry, I don`t know how to explain it; granulose? tiny bumps?) -_- .

I don`t think a deer has that type of teeth...It looks more...archaic?

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No not Peccary it is Tapirus sp. You have to put the two pics side by side and you can see the difference. The two ridges on the Tapir are side to side and the Peccaries has ridges front to back. Good example is in the book Verebrate Fossils: A Neophyte's Guide Pg for Tapirus is 108 and Peccaries on page 137. Could you give us a size on the second one? Where they found in the same area? It could be the canine of a Tapir also they will be about 1 5/8 long x 1/2 tall x 1/4 wide. That depends on its size also.

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Yeah I saw a wild pic about a deer that looked alot like that for some reason; from this angle, I agree with tapirus sp.

That, now that I have a scale to base it on, is NOT a tusk XD... some sort of tooth of some sort..

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chainsaw, can you pick out the general formation on this geologic MAP? It would help with the IDs.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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The teeth look a lot more like peccary than tapir. Peccary teeth have cusps but the chewing surface of the rear teeth of tapirs are more blade-like.

Three peccary teeth on the left and two tapir teeth on the right. I have an early Miocene peccary tooth somewhere that looks similar to the teeth in the jaw section.


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I see what you mean about the bumps on the inner part of the teeth by these new pics but the mandible heemmmm? I am going to have to retract my tapirus and I have to go with PaloRon on this also because the view in the new pics looks like the mandible of Peccaries, Platygonus vetus Early pleistocene 1.0-1.5 million years. (From the lower jaw back section.) Good job PaloRon.

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Hey I'm kinda proud of myself for being able to come up with peccary now.....I've learned alot here!

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