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Clean Up On Aisle Three!


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so anyway, i found this yesterday at the beach and brought it home to attempt to get the cat in trouble with it. as we speak it's on the floor waiting for an unsuspecting wifey to discover and fly into a rage. but anyway, what do you think? concretion or excretion? it's about five inches long, which is a fair load, methinks...


but while i'm here, i thought i'd fling in one more picture from a previous recent jaunt where tj and i discovered a pre-artifact. yeah, you know, a preform that somebody never got around to finishing and left for somebody in a few hundred or a few thousand years to complete. reminds me of people i work with. just kidding folks. sheesh, everybody's so sensitive.


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Do you see any reason as to why they would not have completed the preform? Just curious because i have found several around my area and typically i can see a large chunk of rock that could not easily removed or a misplaced chip that damaged the item to badly

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Do you see any reason as to why they would not have completed the preform? Just curious because i have found several around my area and typically i can see a large chunk of rock that could not easily removed or a misplaced chip that damaged the item to badly

well my overactive imagination goes absolutely wild on this kind of thing, but the simplest explanation is sometimes the best. i'm thinking the guy was attacked and eaten by a smilodon before he could finish it. either that or i'm not sure. i'm not a concoidally-fracturing knowledgist.

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Imagine what your imagination would do if you'd found those two things in association!

(I suppose it would lend credence to your Smilodon attack theory...sort of a smoking, er, "gun").

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Imagine what your imagination would do if you'd found those two things in association!

(I suppose it would lend credence to your Smilodon attack theory...sort of a smoking, er, "gun").

you know, i probably need to send you a pm on causation. you've read too many of my posts and are starting to veer off course, not that the two are necessarily related. but we all know that post hoc ergo propter hoc is unequivocally a latin phrase.

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well seeing how you say you are older than dirt, you sure you didn't unload way back when and and now it has caught back up to you.

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well seeing how you say you are older than dirt, you sure you didn't unload way back when and and now it has caught back up to you.

yes, i'm sure, and i'm not that old, but cognitively, i'm substantially past my prime, if mainstream scientific media is any judge.

brain drain

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brain drain

oooh, that article is a little disturbing. so, i was... uh.... what were we talking about?

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Yeah, but it's mental agility without wisdom, which just lets youngsters make bad decisions quickly. :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Guest solius symbiosus
Yeah, but it's mental agility without wisdom, which just lets youngsters make bad decisions quickly. :P

The stop all to arguments with my daughter terminates with "I have forgotten more than you know, so there".

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well seeing how you say you are older than dirt, you sure you didn't unload way back when and and now it has caught back up to you.

:roar::ph34r: ...................that must've hurt....................


...somebody pick up tj and get him some O2

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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So Tracer, Has the wifey kicked the cat yet? :D

actually, she opted to be sneaky. she saw the fossil poo and thought it was from the cat and quietly went and got a paper towel and picked it up and was going to throw it away when i said, "hey! where you going with my rock?!" she thought it was funny.

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