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Good Weekend Of Diving


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yeah what we do for hobbies that most would consider dangerous are right and wrong I know myself i take all safety precautions when i venture out in to the ocean as im sure you do and the chances of something happening to us are probably more slim then most peoples everyday actions. The part that freaks me out about what you do is just the not knowing what could be a few feet away not so much the fear of something actually happening. I think what you do would be some one whos clostrophobic worst nightmare

But you never know what is sitting beneath your Kayak saying, " yea, I guess that does kind of look like a seal". I knew a diver that always said that sharks leave divers alone because they are too busy with the surfers. Not really funny but sometimes it seems to be true.

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But you never know what is sitting beneath your Kayak saying, " yea, I guess that does kind of look like a seal". I knew a diver that always said that sharks leave divers alone because they are too busy with the surfers. Not really funny but sometimes it seems to be true.

yeah your right but there is a little sense of security being that im just out of the water i know its not much but it makes me feel better about it. Last year I had a 7ft hammer head come up to my kayak and just swim right along with me for about 5 seconds and then he was gone. The most scary thing wasnt even sharks it was dolphins

they were chasing a school of spanish mackeral and werent watching where they were going and 2 of them barely got out of the way right before hitting my kayak head on.

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Very impressive finds!!! Make me want to have my own diving gear. How far do you go down?

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Very impressive finds!!! Make me want to have my own diving gear. How far do you go down?


I find most of my teeth between 40-60 feet down. Sometimes you might find them in 25-30 feet though. You just never can tell where they will be.

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I find most of my teeth between 40-60 feet down. Sometimes you might find them in 25-30 feet though. You just never can tell where they will be.

that's 'cause i move 'em at night. gps was makin' the game too easy...

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But you never know what is sitting beneath your Kayak saying, " yea, I guess that does kind of look like a seal". I knew a diver that always said that sharks leave divers alone because they are too busy with the surfers. Not really funny but sometimes it seems to be true.

I always feel safer underwater than on top of the water, especially when I'm on the bottom grubbing around. It seems that some of the most dangerous sharks attack from below. If you have seen "Air Jaws" or any of the nature programs that show Great Whites hunting seals you get the idea. I had a group of people who were swimming and tubeing ask me if I was afraid of being attacked by a shark while I was diving. I just smiled and told them as long as they were in the water I didn't have a thing to worry about. I don't think they liked that answer.

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I always feel safer underwater than on top of the water, especially when I'm on the bottom grubbing around. It seems that some of the most dangerous sharks attack from below. If you have seen "Air Jaws" or any of the nature programs that show Great Whites hunting seals you get the idea. I had a group of people who were swimming and tubeing ask me if I was afraid of being attacked by a shark while I was diving. I just smiled and told them as long as they were in the water I didn't have a thing to worry about. I don't think they liked that answer.

Now that is funny.

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I do not know if this was asked before but have you ever video'd any of your diving trips?

I am seriously considering getting my diving certificate since i am here in Charleston, SC but I was going over my life insurance policy and it does not cover diving. funny thing is, it covers suicide though. Sooooooooo, I was thinking, Ievery time I go out diving, I leave a suicide note, LOL. No seriously, it is nuts that it will cover one extreme and not the other, oh and my policy covers sky diving too, go figure.

" This comment brought to you by the semi-famous AeroMike"

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I do not know if this was asked before but have you ever video'd any of your diving trips?

I am seriously considering getting my diving certificate since i am here in Charleston, SC but I was going over my life insurance policy and it does not cover diving. funny thing is, it covers suicide though. Sooooooooo, I was thinking, Ievery time I go out diving, I leave a suicide note, LOL. No seriously, it is nuts that it will cover one extreme and not the other, oh and my policy covers sky diving too, go figure.

My Visibility is usually not that good and I am digging a lot so there is not much to see, but on the days where I do get vis and am on a hard bottom I do think it would be cool to video. With my luck I would watch the video and see the 6" tooth sitting in the open that I missed.

I like the suicide note thing. That is pretty funny. I always thought it strange that the consider diving hi risk when many times more people die each year in skiing accidents.

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I do not know if this was asked before but have you ever video'd any of your diving trips?

I am seriously considering getting my diving certificate since i am here in Charleston, SC but I was going over my life insurance policy and it does not cover diving. funny thing is, it covers suicide though. Sooooooooo, I was thinking, Ievery time I go out diving, I leave a suicide note, LOL. No seriously, it is nuts that it will cover one extreme and not the other, oh and my policy covers sky diving too, go figure.

My Visibility is usually not that good and I am digging a lot so there is not much to see, but on the days where I do get vis and am on a hard bottom I do think it would be cool to video. With my luck I would watch the video and see the 6" tooth sitting in the open that I missed.

I like the suicide note thing. That is pretty funny. I always thought it strange that the consider diving high risk when many times more people die each year in skiing accidents.

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Could you put a bunch of 6.5" Megs in a big pile and just tell me where they are? It would be greatly appreciated.

as long as we're dreamin, why not make them 7 inchers?

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I always feel safer underwater than on top of the water, especially when I'm on the bottom grubbing around. It seems that some of the most dangerous sharks attack from below. If you have seen "Air Jaws" or any of the nature programs that show Great Whites hunting seals you get the idea. I had a group of people who were swimming and tubeing ask me if I was afraid of being attacked by a shark while I was diving. I just smiled and told them as long as they were in the water I didn't have a thing to worry about. I don't think they liked that answer.

I'm with you there, I always try to get my gear off and in the boat as quickly as possible. Gators are like sharks in that they attack from below.

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I'm with you there, I always try to get my gear off and in the boat as quickly as possible. Gators are like sharks in that they attack from below.

Ditto! ;)

"If you find yourself lost in the woods, build a house! This will strongly improve your perdicament."

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