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Strange Markings


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I found this Meg while raking rocks, shells, ECT looking for shark teeth with a metal rake at Calvert cliffs, It was in one of the rake fulls. Once I got it home, I realized some strange markings on the tooth. You can look for yourselves but I have narrowed it down to three things. #1, predatory marks. #2, damage from the rake obtained while I was pulling the tooth to the shore. Or #3, some kind of acidic plant. The tooth has the similar markings on both sides. Please tell me what you think.




Edited by xevanatorx
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That is a beautiful tooth.

The marks look post fossilization.

Feeding damage usually occurs along the tooth edge

Or as a fracture in the tooth.

Interested in what others think.

It's hard to remember why you drained the swamp when your surrounded by alligators.

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I have similar, yet much darker and smaller markings on the back of my Meg tooth from NC, was wondering what they were too.

So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and door will be opened for you. -Jesus Christ

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