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Lake Erie Hunting?


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Hey TFF, I've been wondering something lately. I'm going to Fairport Harbor here in NE Ohio this weekend for the fourth. My mother knows I'm into the fossil collecting thing, and supports me on my endeavors. She told me to do research to look around the Fairport Harbor area, or on the beach to see if there are any fossils. I've searched for a while now, no luck. Are there any fossils there on the beach, or nearby at least, and is collecting there legal?

NE Ohio is very barren when it comes to accessible fossil material. My first excursion to Sylvania was only a taste of what the rest of my state has to offer. However, my parents are busy and so am I, and we can't afford to travel 2+ hours to go to some remote site in NW or SW Ohio to find decent fossils. Are there any sites near Cleveland, or south of that forsaken city, such as in the Cuyahoga County area? If so that'd be pretty neat to know, then I don't have to wait 3+ weeks or more to go a decent site. Still going to do my research, but from what I am getting is that the so called "famous Cleveland shale" is only located in the Metroparks where collecting is prohibited.

Final question, why do you think NW and SW OH have an abundance of fossils, while NE OH doesn't seem to have squat for collectors in the area? Geological processes are confusing and weird for sure.

If any knows about the Fairport Harbor beach and surrounding area, please let me know, I'd be very grateful.



So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and door will be opened for you. -Jesus Christ

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Also, you could drive to NY and hunt Penn Dixie. It shouldn't too much of a drive from NE Ohio.

Best regards,


...I'm back.

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Thank you Raggedy Man! I've read that fossil site page a couple of times. Most of the locations are in the NW and SW OH, not in NE. I'm not even sure if it's legal nor productive to look where in Cuyahoga that the site listed. About Penn Dixie, I'd love to go there, but from where I live, that's a 3 1/2 hour drive, parents don't want to do that, says it'll cost too much.

So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and door will be opened for you. -Jesus Christ

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Hi Anthony, here are a couple of links you will find useful and very educational. This first one I just found, have not checked out the links, but they look like they might be of intrest for you getting started.


This second link is to the Ohio geological survey 3 printed in 1878.

I would like you to see how intelligent these people were back then, and some information you will not learn in school.

If you download the pdf and open it, page 391 on the pdf left side page thumbnails starts the section on the geology of Medina County. This gives clues on fossil locations there and then other surrounding counties. Once you get into it you will find it very interesting.

On this link, under the sign in, click on the wheel and download the pdf.

Any problems let me know.


PS you will learn to love google books for references.

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