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Richmond Queensland Trip 5 To 7 July

Mike from North Queensland

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I had a long weekend available so I decided to go for a short drive out to Richmond in central Queensland Australia and look for Cretaceous marine fossils.

Day 1 - After a five hour drive I arrived in time for lunch at the local café attached to the museum where I saw a couple of other regulars I know "fossil hunting fanatics like myself" so I had a quick chat before driving out to the quarry area. After about a half hour I collected some Ichthyosaur bone fragments and belemites to give to the tourists I see at the quarry. I then went to another area where I had found several pairs of shark vertebrae and this time I collected a triple with only the centre one fairly intact. Then I was soon joined by one of the fossil hunting regulars and did a quick scout around the different areas of the quarry but found little of note. We then proceeded to an area where I knew some ammonites had be found where she found a nice specimen encased in the sandstone.

Day 2 - I proceeded to search and sieve a dirt heap for a layer of matrix that I had previously found bird material in for about four hours before returning to town for a quick lunch and to get out of the midday sun. Returned to the same spot after lunch for another two hours looking for the matrix material. In total I found about half a bucket of material so will break down and sieve through that in the next couple of weeks. I then returned to the main quarry area where I was introduced to another regular so we chatted while he dug a layer of the quarry that is known for fish. He soon found a nice chimaeroid spine about 300 mm long and I got another bag of matrix to look through.

Day 3 - Decided to earn some brownie points by collecting another moon rock (round limestone concretion) for the garden as my wife likes them. Within half an hour from leaving town I had nice round one about 20 kilos in a bag and started carrying it back to my utility. I took about 10 steps and spied a broken moon rock with fossil bone protruding. :) Had a quick look back at he quarry but nothing of interest so I travelled back to Richmond where I wanted to see the curator as he was interested in some bone fragments with predation marks and some teeth fragments still embedded that I had found a while back. He confirmed what I knew that the moon stone find contained a partial Ichthyosaur skull. While in there chatting another seven fossickers I knew turned up :( all were staying for another week or so and I had to go home.

Finally got away after lunch for the five hour drive home. Half way home I went to pass a road train about 50 metres long and as I pulled out and accelerated the accelerator cable snapped. :wacko: After about a half hour I rigged a length of string from the end of the broken cable out under the hood and through the window to give me a hand accelerator to drive to the next town about 12 kilometres down the road. Revenge as after many years of my wife and myself running around after my daughter I rang her up and she agreed to pick me up before asking where I had broken down. I took her two and a half hour drive to get me and the same at night to get us home. I still have to return and get my utility when its repaired after a new cable is delivered from the other end of country but still I got a couple of nice finds and still in one piece :D

Some photos of the moon stone showing remains of both sclerotic rings and other cranial elements as well as the shark vertebrae.







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What a story, Mike. Good that you came through just fine. :) Will you prep the skull stone?

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Great write up.

Is the curator still Tim? He was a nice fella.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe" - Saint Augustine

"Those who can not see past their own nose deserve our pity more than anything else."

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Can always send it to me mate, for a closer look see. :)

Looks great from here.

Bummer about the cable though. :(

Edited by Jeff L Nolan


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John - Most likely I wont prep the stone any further as initial inspection suggests most of the skull bones are in the sections of the moon stone "concretion" I do not have.

I still need to compare it to the papers I have to confirm though.

Ash - Tim is still there

Jeff - Have got specimen under control

I had been meaning to do a write up for a while as I enjoy reading them to see how other members trips go.


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