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First Trip To Post Oak Creek!


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Ok, I know that some of the teeth are partials, and some things may just be rocks, but we had a blast!! I'm so excited! Here are some pics of what we found!




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Can you get a better pix of the item 3rd from right, bottom row of your first image. It looks like it could be part of a pteranodon wing bone!

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Lightened up a tad:


"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Hey CrystalF! My husband and I took our two boys this morning! We want to go back, but I want to find a better entrance :) I am new to the forum and fossil hunting as well. I love shark teeth!

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I am new to the forums and fossil hunting as well. And Im looking for a better entrance too lol. The Dallas Paleo Trip first location was walking through a tractors dealers land and had a trail, but it was still difficult climbing over huge fallen trees and a steep bank. Since it is through a business property we cant go again that way. The 2nd locations on the trip was off a bridge, was not as bad, had easy access from road, but the bottom of the creek was way too soft and I kept sinking up to my knees. I am not sure if this was the Travis Bridge access point or not. I went the following week to a different location, just a little ways from the tractor dealers, but we had to walk through brush and still steep banks. But it was worth it. What entrance did you use?

Oh, next time you go take a bucket and scoop up some gravel to screen for microfossils that fall through the bigger screens! I've had some success with just the little bit I brought back. And then you can keep fossil hunting at home! B)

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New pix help. No, that's not pterandon material. Looks more mammalian in the new shots. Still cool finds.

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Very nice! That is one great location. You can bring back hundreds of teeth in a few hours after a rain. Crazy.

North Central Texas

Eagle Ford Group / Ozan Formation

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