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Another New Meg Tooth Find!


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I was up on the Peace River for 2 days this weekend.I've only found 3 pretty much complete juvenile megalodon teeth in 2 years of hunting. Well, this weekend I found the one under the quarter, which is my fourth. The two on each side of that one I'm not counting either because of their wear. I don't count my posterior teeth or fragments as megs, since the fragments are just that, fragments and the posterior teeth don't have that megalodon look about them. I really need to get SCUBA certified, because I have it in my head that there are big ones out in the Gulf. Well anyways, for me it was a fantastic weekend hunting.


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I don't count my posterior teeth or fragments as megs, since the fragments are just that, fragments and the posterior teeth don't have that megalodon look about them.

Nice finds Earthdog, but I have to disagree about the posterior megs, as many of us feel they are some of the best of the megs. Bigger is NOT always better, and the variety of finds is what makes fossil hunting so interesting (that and the surprise factor).

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...this weekend I found the one under the quarter, which is my fourth...

Definitely "earthdog-rated"!

Comin' home with stuff is good; comin' home with good stuff is better :)

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>May your wonders never cease!

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Sudden thought after the post, send me your nice posterior megs without the "megalodon look", and I will send you some that "look like megalodon"

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Thanks for the views. And thanks BJ Aurora, your comment added some value to the posterior teeth, in my mind. I do like them, but when I show them to non-fossil hunting friends they don't get the difference that they're still meg specimens (my favorite) , as opposed to some other tooth, which doesn't hold the same fascination for me as much when I pick one up.

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Thanks for the views. And thanks BJ Aurora, your comment added some value to the posterior teeth, in my mind. I do like them, but when I show them to non-fossil hunting friends they don't get the difference that they're still meg specimens (my favorite) , as opposed to some other tooth, which doesn't hold the same fascination for me as much when I pick one up.

I know what you are saying here, to new fossil hunters or non fossils hunters big megs are awesome. But point blank everyone who collects where megs are found will eventually find a bunch of big megs. The stuff I get excited about is the stuff that you don't find to much. When i have experienced collectors over they look at my megs and say real nice teeth you have there. Then they look at some of my other stuff and get super excited and spend way more time individually looking at that stuff. Don't get me wrong i love big megs they are probably my favorite teeth. But for example, my top tooth to pull from lee creek at the moment is a Megamouth. Show that to normal people and they would be like hrrm i have a bunch of teeth that size, show it to a true collector and they would be like dang man i sure do wish i had one of those.

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