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Looking For Pennsylvanian Fern Id Sheets

PA Fossil Finder

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Not sure where to post this, but I'm looking for some simple, easy-to-read ID sheets for Carboniferous (preferably Pennsylvanian) ferns and plants. I'm organizing a field trip for some friends to a good fern site, and it would be nice to have something to pass out.

Edited by PA Fossil Finder


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The following papers/books provide ready-to-use identification keys for Pennsylvanian plant fossils, reasonably valid for western Europe at least, and perhaps useful for you also:

Cleal, C.J. and Thomas, B.A. (1994), Plant fossils of the British Coal Measures. Palaeontological Association Field Guides to Fossils, No. 6.

Chaloner, W.G. and Collinson, M.E. (1975), An illustrated key to the commoner British Upper Carboniferous plant compression fossils, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volume 86, Issue 1, 1975, Pages 1–44.

Searching for green in the dark grey.

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How is your German? I have a couple of tables from Josten (1991), which could also serve this purpose, though I doubt whether these keys are applicable to your area... and I do know they are rather dated...

EDIT: added example for Palmatopteris.


Edited by paleoflor

Searching for green in the dark grey.

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