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Petrified Wood In Northwest Missouri


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I started collecting petrified wood 2 summers ago. I find most of it on a 100 yard dirt road by my house. We live in the country n have 2 creeks running through our acres. I find a little by the creeks including a 100 pound log. But mostly on the dirt road. After the heavy rains come your guaranteed at least 5 pieces. I can't find any info on petrified wood in my area. The northwest corner of mo. The pieces are all very different in coloring. Does that mean they are from a different type of tree or just the make up of the soil at that time? Does anyone know a site or forum of petrified wood collectors in this area?

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Most of our collection. Mixed with other rocks the children gathered.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to tff!

My admittedly limited understanding is that the different colors are determined by which mineral(s) broke down the original wood.

So simply going by color can't really tell you what type of tree you're looking at.

If you're real brave, you can try splitting some of the pieces and checking for crystals (no guarantee, though) :)

Edited by SubterraneanHomesickAlien
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I get so frustrated that this site can only handle very small photo files! Keep trying because I want to see the wood. I take most photos with my phone and then end up having to mail them to myself and then open them back up on my phone in a smaller form. Big pain.

The size limit here is larger than at many sites. Please remember that not everyone has high speed connections. ;)post-423-0-48064500-1443363309.gif

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You could research the geologic formation in your area to get an idea of likely tree candidates for your petrified wood.


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