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My March 29 Lee Creek Finds


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Hi Guys and Gals! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Thought I'd tell you a little about Sunday's trip to PCS and show you the few things I decided to pick up. Didn't hear about anyone finding megs, although that doesn't mean none were found. I saw at least 3 people with large whale vertebrae. One guy had a piece of jaw bone that looked probably 15" long. Got to the meeting area about 7:15am. It was quite overcast, and looked like rain. I'm sure everyone was hoping the rain would hold off until the afternoon. Well, of course THAT didn't happen. I was on the second bus into the mine, and after about 45 minutes it started to sprinkle, although there was no thunder. I thought to myself, hey, a little rain never hurt anyone. And then it started to POUR. Only one hour in the mine and we were called back to the buses! I was quite disappointed. If I had known we were only going to be in the mine for such a short time, I would have PACKED my backpak. I saw so many things (both in variety and quantity) that I wanted to keep that I was afraid I would run out of room for the good stuff. Which is why I only have a few pieces. The 1.5" complete gastropod is a beauty, and that piece of coral is 5.5" long. There were pieces even bigger than that lying around! I am impressed with the quality of the teeth there. Many of the ones I found are sharp enough to pierce skin. My most favorite find of the day, or hour I should say, was a 5 to 6" black, complete scallop with at least 3 to 4 huge, complete, and unbroken barnacles on it. The only problem was, I LOST IT in the shuffle of hurrying back out of the muddy, slippery mine. :angry:

*Takes a deep breath*

Anyway, despite the short time in mine, I am very thankful that we got to go in at all, and even more thankful to the volunteers that make it all possible for us! I'm sure I wasted some time once I got into the mine due to sheer awe of the immensity of the place. I heard this place was huge, but it was gynormous!! Took some pics of the mine, partially for memories, and also for those of the forum who haven't been. Also, if someone could help me with an ID of one of the fossils. There is what I think is a tooth 2 fossils to the left of the quarter. It has an odd shape to it. I've seen one on the forum before, but I can't find it. In the last pic, you can see the hole where the pulp of the tooth used to be (sorry this pics blurry). Some of the tooth near the tip is missing. All in all, I had a great time, and I can't wait to go back!

Enjoy, Angela







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And yes, by the time we got back to the parking lot the rain had subsided. When I left the parking lot, the sun came out!!!!!!!

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Cool stuff. Everybody always concentrates on the teeth, it's good to see some nice shells coming out of there.

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Cool stuff. Everybody always concentrates on the teeth, it's good to see some nice shells coming out of there.

OMG, there are tons of shells everywhere! I only wish I would have picked up more. I like to collect a little of everything, from different formations.

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I can see why you picked up that coral; it has a very pretty form :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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Thanks for the picts! Ive been wondering what LC actually looked like and know.

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Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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I can see why you picked up that coral; it has a very pretty form :)

Yes, it does. It was the most interesting piece I had seen in the mine. I started off with a a small piece, and as I went thru the mine I kept exchanging them for bigger and bigger pieces until I came across this one. And the mako I found after digging a short time in a pile full of small black pebbles and bone pieces. I got lucky on that one!

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Wow thanks for the pics....that place is huge! I have a few nice teeth from there that were purchases. It's nice to see the actual area.

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Great finds!! Sorry your trip was cut short!

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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