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The Fossil Forum's Trip Into Pcs


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Our trip into the mine was shortened by the rain, but anytime you get into the mine it is a good day. My plan was to head to the back only stopping to search really prime Yorktown. It would have worked out great if not for the rain. I found a small section of YT and managed to pull a nice 2" upper Mako from it before moving on. As I continued on I picked up a few verts. and shells. Just as I had a hill with YT in my sight there was the sound collectors never want to hear. Three blasts from the air horn. The hunt was over we had to head out for safety reasons.

Only one thing to do after we arrived at the parking lot...hit some spoil piles!! The spoil piles are loaded with teeth. The trick is to finding the ones that aren't broken. A few hours later I had a cople nice teeth. A 2" I. oxyrinchus, a nice little C. catticus posterior and my first Mobula tooth. Even though the Mobula tooth was not complete I am always glad to add a new specis to my collection. I also found a few nice Gastropods.

Thanks to PCS, the guides and everyone else who makes these hunts possible. Also many thanks to Brian who arranged for us to get the slots to get into the mine.

Fossils from the mine.



Fossils from the spoil piles.



C. catticus and Mobula


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Nice C. catticus OB1!!! I'm sorry your trip got cut short :(

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Thanks for the pics obsessed1. Great stuff. Makes me wish I had gone thru the spoil piles. I was afraid it was gonna be too crowded, though. Their museum is awesome.

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The mark of a seasoned collector is to always come away with something nice!


"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

So sorry your trip got cut short, but it appears you still did well. We, unfortunately, got sidetracked and missed the museum altogether, so must do it the next time we get there.

I finished the bag of sand you gave me and I found several nice teeth. Two angels (but one is damaged), several small black teeth that look like they might be some sort of ray tooth, of course ray teeth, regular looking teeth (the very pointy ones with two sharp cusps), and one very unusual tooth. That tooth, though small, has a very large root and very small enamel part. I'll try to take a picture of it, but it is so small I am not sure I can. I'll attempt to take the picture through a large magnifying lens. Hope that works. Anyways, thanks a lot for the sand... it was fun searching through it. Del

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Nice report but a bummer that the rain ended things early. Next time you'll be due for that big meg!

Kevin Wilson

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Nice mako. I know of that yorktown you speak of!!

Looks really good but needs more rain. I managed a decent mako and some big verts that I just had ti take with me from that same pile. ;)


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I was also on that trip, my first into the mine. I didn't score any teeth in the mine, but OB1 was very generous and gave me some of the teeth he'd found. Thanks a lot, OB1.

A big thanks also to Bryan and to the folks at the museum and PCS who all made this trip possible. It was a great pleasure to meet all of the Fossil Forum folks in person and put faces and personalities with names! Everyone was very helpful in introducing this neophite to Lee Creek Mine.

I also met the East Coast Fossil Club at Rocky Point on the Friday before the PCS hunt. They too are a great group of folks. Their president, Dwayne, was also very generous and shared some echinoids with me that I didn't have in my collection. It was great seeing some of those same folks again Sunday at the PCS mine.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to NC, came home with some new additions to my collection, and - of most value to me - met some really great folks that I count among the many friends this hobby has provided me. It was great to be a part of the experience.

P.S. - Mike from Pa., Find any big megs yet in the gravel you took home for your son to go through?

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