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Any Professional Paleontologists Here?


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I've just found a way of retaking my A Levels which means if I pass, I could possibly do a Paleontology degree, which is essentially my childhood dream realised.

I'm wondering about employment after I got my degree. I currently work around 30 hours a week as a supervisor in a small shop. It pays my bills and gives me a bit of spare cash. I know paleontology won't pay that much but it's bound to pay more than what I'm currently on. As long as it's equal to or greater than my current wages, then I don't mind. Having a job you love is worth more than any money.

I just want an insight into a career in paleontology. I understand it's a vast career with a lot of different areas. My main interest would be marine paleontology, particular marine reptiles such as Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, Pliosaurs and Mosasaurs.

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I'm going to jump in on this as well. I'm quite interested on how a life as a paleontologist is.

Each dot is 50,000,000 years:



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Doesn't time just fly by?


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It is a great job and the pay is mediocre. The tough part is actually getting a job. Lots of folks want to be a paleontologist, but there are simply not that many openings.

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Jpc is dead on. A geologist isn't a paleontologist, but you can find work. You can always minor in paleontology and use your access as a geologist to feed your passion. It's a route many take and still enjoy what they do. If I could go back and change my major I wouldn't. Microbiology is just too fascinating.

You only get to be here for a short time. Do what you love!!

Best regards,


...I'm back.

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Have you tried talking with paleontologists that reside in your great museums or possibly connecting through Facebook.

My impression in talking with them its a super job, very rewarding, pay is not the best and travel can be tedious depending on what area youre in. None of the ones I spoke with would change their path but most of them are very successful.

One caution its not the job you see them portray on TV or the Big Screen.

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It is a great job and the pay is mediocre. The tough part is actually getting a job. Lots of folks want to be a paleontologist, but there are simply not that many openings.

JPC summed it all up exactly. Short and sweet. There are different kinds of jobs within paleo (lab work cleaning fossils, museum work, research, teaching), all of which can be very enjoyable and rewarding, but none of which pay much considering the education required for each of them. So, as long as the joy of the job helps you get past the fact that you won't make as much money as you truly deserve, you can live a happy life. But, as mentioned above, there are a LOT of qualified people getting paleo degrees these days, and job openings are few and far between. So people cobble together whatever semi-paleo jobs they can while waiting for a full-time paleo job opportunity to come along.

I knew what I was getting into and I wouldn't change a thing. I love paleo, and I love my jobs. Plural.

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Some one almost has to pass away to get a job opening.

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

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