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Not Aurora But....

Frank Menser

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Ok...went back to the pond today primarily to let the property owner know what I had found out about the iron deposit on his property. Picked up a chunk that was mostly Hematite. Apparently in colonial times it had been mined there, but proved to be too expensive to produce large quantities. Apparently the was enough though to limit the depth he could dig his pond.


Sunny morning which was optimum for hunting. Several days of rain had wshed the beach so there was new material exposed. Lots of Belemites. I think this was their convention center as I have never seen so many in one place.


Our searching was interupted by the invasion of a pair of extant species aka Canis Barkalotus, to be exact a dane and a poodle. They demonstrated their vocl skills and courage by keeping a safe distance from the hunt...but not far enough for us to not wish for ear plugs.

Found several broken shark teeth and one that was a real heart breaker. A Mako that would have been over an inch if the root was still there that was a beautiful fawn red. Several Squals and a cookie cutter shark tooth (very tiny) as well as a 1/2 Barracuda tooth made up our fish finds. (LooWill post pics later).


Then as we were about to leave I saw bone exposed. It turned out to be the concave end of a large mosasaur vert that was as near perfect as I have found It was a whopping 21/2" and weighs (best guesstimate) about a pound. That was the final hurrah of the hunt.

Looks like Aurora won't be on our agenda this spring...But at least there was a good day and A find (TTBOMK)you can't get there.

Be true to the reality you create.

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