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Petrified Worms ?


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I do not speak English. I use online translator. I found this stone in Russia in the Sea of Japan near Vladivostok, under a rock by the sea. The stone has a size of about 1 meter. He fell off a cliff recently.
The width of the bodies of creatures 5-10mm. 10-20cm long.
Convex form residues and fragile. The body is composed of compacted sand. Please tell me what kind of animal? What is his age? What a rusty black spot on the rock?
Thank you in advance.


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They look like invertebrate holes, probably some kind of soft bodied worm or something. That is all I can guess with lack of knowledge on your area. They aren't bad specimens, they usually weather away grain by grain and have holes within the moulds under certain circumstances. Any Ideas from the experts?

Note: Sorry If it is hard to understand/translate what I just said

And, Welcome to TFF!


Edited by izak_
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They are the burrows of worms, filled with sediment.

I do not know the age of the rocks there.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Welcome to the Forum. Very nice fossil find.

We would love to see more Fossils that you can find in your area. We do not get to see Fossils from your area. :yay-smiley-1:

Your translator works very well.

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