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Fossiling Joshua Creek Off The Peace River, Fl


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Hi. I am planning a fossiling trip to Joshua Creek as soon as water levels go down. I was wondering if this creek is canoable along its entire lenght starting at Nocatee, paddling upstream and camping for a night or two along the river.

Thanks, any comments on this creek would be appreciated.


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There are fences upstream from 17, but you can canoe from there downstream to the peace. A large section of it is a hunting preserve and you may want to ask them about camping overnight. A good level at the gauge there is around 5 feet give or take. You can walk the whole way without a canoe but you lose trails about a half mile in and the going gets a little rough. I've done it once and it's probably a 21/2 hour walk with having to hack your way thru areas.

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Every once in a great while it's not just a big rock down there!

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