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Mazon Creek Trip This Summer


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I am planning on making a trip to Mazon Creek to get some nodules. I was wondering where the best spot to go was and also was wondering if it is on public land? How do you need where to look?

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Another site on my Bucket List. Good luck!



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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I am planning on making a trip to Mazon Creek to get some nodules. I was wondering where the best spot to go was and also was wondering if it is on public land? How do you need where to look?

I was just there on Saturday. Years ago I collected there on a regular basis and what a shocked as too the difference. The area is HEAVILY overgrown. Finding a spot that is clear of brush is not going to be easy and those spot are going to be picked over. The collecting season starts on March 1 and the locals hit is early. By the end of April it will be a very difficult place to collect and I am sure the ticks will be everywhere. I would not recommend it for the summer months.

Even so, I did enjoy my collecting day with shorty and her friend. I collected about 30 concretion for about 6 hours of collecting. In the old days, six hours would have yielded a few buckets of concretions. Very sparse collecting.

Shorty did post a map of the collecting area (open to the public) in one of her Fossil Id posts. Look there and you will find a link to the map. Or you can try googling Mazonia-Braidwood and you will probably get the link.


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I am planning on making a trip to Mazon Creek to get some nodules. I was wondering where the best spot to go was and also was wondering if it is on public land? How do you need where to look?

Come on out! It's a fun way to spend a day.

The only public place I know is Mazonia State Park.

Here's the map


The Mazonia South Unit is where I usually go.

Collecting does take patience. Like Crinus said, it's overgrown - but it's not impossible. I was never here back in the good old days, so this is all I'm used to. They may plow a field to expose more fossils this spring. If they do, I'll let you know.

Here's the Mazonia State Park website.

The ticks will be out soon. I usually just douse myself with Deepwoods Off and haven't gotten any on me.

Good luck!


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