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Hello all, I found this on the beach in Oregon a couple years ago. I was hoping to find more information on it. How it was formed? How old it is? ect... Thank you


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Welcome to the Forum!

What you have here appears to be a pair of bivalve shells in a limestone matrix. The clam (scallop, mussel, whatever--I can't tell from what's visible) died, the shells opened, then it was buried in sediment before the hinge could become disarticulated. The sediment was high in calcarous pieces Ilike bits of other shells), and over time became limestone.

As for how old it is, we'd need to know where it was found and what the rock layers in the area are. I don't know Oregon rocks.

Nice piece! :D

Edited by Mediospirifer
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Thanks Mediospirifer! As for the rock layers or area, I could not tell you either one. But it is nice to have a little backround on what exactly it is!!

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You're welcome!

If you want to try to figure out the formation and age, check out the links in this thread: LINK

There's a lot of information available there. Keep in mind, though, that beach rocks can be brought some distance by wave action.

Have fun! :D

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Without knowing anything more (such as exactly where you found it and comparing with geological maps to get the formation and hence the age), I am going to suggest Astoria Formation, which I believe is middle Miocene age ~15 million yrs.

It looks like a cockle.

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