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My Jurassic Park: Hell Creek Turtles/Mammals/Other


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Although not the same fan fare as with Dinosaurs my collecting days has yielded some very cool turtle specimens. Channel deposits deliver a host of species which include Fish, Crock, Reptiles and Turtle. You never know what the next flip of the knife will deliver and skulls are as good as you can get. Lots of broken ones but every once and a while a complete one surfaces.

I am not that knowledgeable on identifying turtle specimens so bare with me if you see something misidentified, just let me know.

I have a pet Dog but I call these skulls my PET FOSSILS. They are a lot easier to maintain no walking or feeding required. I don't have names for them but just enjoy them and are always a big hit with everyone.

My first skull is in the Trionychid family softshell turtle. Very cool skull looks like it has arms for walking.

Identified it as Axestemys byssina (8 1/2" - 22cm) Long

Hell Creek Formation

Perkins Co., South Dakota



The next skull is in the Baenid Family

Identified as Bubaena cephalica the atlas vertebra was found with the skull. (3 1/2" -8.9cm) Square

Hell Creek Formation

Powder River Co., Montana



Same as above just slightly smaller specimen at 3" (7.6cm) long, same locality


The next skull is also in the Baenid Family

Identified as Palatobaena choen approximately 2 1/4" (5.7cm) square. Very odd shaped nasal opening

Hell Creek Formation

Powder River Co., Montana



Same as above just slightly smaller specimen at 2" (2cm) square


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A beautiful complete turtle shell is from the species

Baena hatcheri its 16" (41cm) long

Hell Creek Formation

Powder River Formation, Montana


I believe this to be in the Baenidae family an almost complete one

Baenid indet. its 12" (30cm) long

Hell Creek Formation

Powder River Formation, Montana


All of the following from Power River Co., Montana

A couple of jaws the one on the left from a Trionychid Turtle and the other is unknown.

The picture on the right is a blowup of the Trionychid jaw.


Cervical Vertebra of a Trionychid turtle. 3 1/2" (8.9cm) long


A pair, not matching, of humeri 6 1/2" (16.5cm) Long


Finally a very cool matrix piece: a cervical vertebra (right) of a Trionychid turtle and a cervical vertebra (left) of a theropod that I believe to be Anzu wyliei


Edited by Troodon
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Are you kidding me!! I like these more then the Dino material. I can relate to them and to think they lived with dinosaurs is very cool. Thank you, Mikey

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Many times I've wondered how much there is to know.  
led zeppelin


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Very cool! I use to collect skulls (present day animals) and your first one looks very similar to a Soft shelled turtle and your second looks very similar to a Snapping turtle/Alligator Snapping turtle. Amazing pieces.


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Thanks guys and they should relate to current day turtles they have not changed very much. These are just 66 million years old.

Edited by Troodon
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Wow Troodon! Every chunk of collection you post always has me amazed! How long does it take to build up a collection like yours?

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Wow Troodon! Every chunk of collection you post always has me amazed! How long does it take to build up a collection like yours?

Thanks, I've been very fortunate to be able both acquire and collect fossils for over 20 years.

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You certainly have beat some museums in the fossil category. :)

Each dot is 50,000,000 years:



                                                                                                           Ꞓ.OSD.C.P.Tr.J.K..Pg.NgQ< You are here

Doesn't time just fly by?


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I've never seen Hell Creek turtles before. Amazing fossils as usual man.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Extreme envy is what I'm feeling right now. These fossils are beautiful! :wub:

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Really love the turtles earlier in the thread.

Tidgy and I found this very informative. :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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4 hours ago, Tidgy's Dad said:

Really love the turtles earlier in the thread.

Tidgy and I found this very informative. :)

Thanks everyone loves the turtle skulls. They are a hit

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That mammal jaw is unusual for its completeness.  I didn't know that genus until looking it up and learning that the species used to be assigned to Pediomys, which I did know of.


You have some great turtle specimens.  I didn't know you were into those too but I know how that happens.  You collect the Hell Creek the way I collect the Sharktooth Hill Bonebed.  I started out mostly interested in the sharks and marine mammals, but once I started digging up my own stuff, I wanted a little of everything.



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Wow fantastic. Well what can you say but beautiful jaws, skulls and shell material. I think this is some of your nicest of your collection.  :wub:

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2 hours ago, siteseer said:




You have some great turtle specimens.  I didn't know you were into those too but I know how that happens.  You collect the Hell Creek the way I collect the Sharktooth Hill Bonebed.  I started out mostly interested in the sharks and marine mammals, but once I started digging up my own stuff, I wanted a little of everything.



Thanks the turtle skulls are cool and a definite fan favorite when I take folks around to see my collection.  How can you not like them someone said.  I have always been interested in Mammal material and I should photograph more of my collection.


1 hour ago, Bobby Rico said:

Wow fantastic. Well what can you say but beautiful jaws, skulls and shell material. I think this is some of your nicest of your collection.  :wub:

Thanks Bobby a definite highlight of my collection.

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Fascinating. I've never even heard of this fella before.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Here are a few more that I took photos of.  Not an expert in this area so If my IDs are off please let me know.






I've also seen this called Cemeterius monstrosus





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nice mammal material.  They are tough to ID,so I can't comment on that form just photos.  But I will say that Parasaniwa is probably correct.  


where did you get the info on Protolambda... that is , what paper is it in?  I have not heard of it.  

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