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Where to by dinosaur poop (coprolite) cheaply?


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So I thought it would be funny to put a dinosaur turd in my son's stocking for Christmas this year. Does anyone know where to find authentic dino poop at a cheap/reasonable price? It's doesn't have to be huge. I think it would be more fun knowing that it came from a dinosaur (doesn't matter which one) rather than a turtle, crocodile or fish - which is what I keep finding online. I have read about people getting ripped off cuz there are certain rocks that look like coprolite but they aren't & sometimes it's hard to tell.

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In my opinion most of what you see sold is not dinosaur poop. Only experts carefully examining specimens can reliably make that call.

I looked around at some dealers I'm comfortable with and found one that has some for sale, Extinctions. Although no guarantee it has a better chance of being the real deal. A nice present that he will love to share with others.


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Not sure you ever know but there are indicators that can get you close.

Was it found in a fossil deposit along with fossil bones and teeth of dinosaurs. Does it have the right shape. Can you see contents, are there bones, fish scales or pieces of plants. My understanding is that a coprolite has a different chemical composition than surrounding rocks so an chem. analysis may be necessary. It's a job for an expert why most sold come from other animals.

Edit: or are rocks or minerals

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Well, the dinostore is a bit pricey. I don't really want to pay more than say maybe $15 or $20 but maybe if it really comes from a dinosaur - proved to be authentic, it's more expensive.

I found this article I thought was kind of funny & interesting. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/07/140729-dinosaur-coprolite-paleontology-dung-fossil-auction/

Also, this site is funny & has lots of info on coprolite - poozeum.com I'm fairly new to all this. ;)

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I've seen that specimen before and some discussion on it. Very controversial lots of folks believe it's geologic. Anyway it's a very cool display item.

I'm not sure you are going to find what you are looking for at that price point.

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In the end I settled for reptile coprolite. Found a store near the Louvre called Les Mineraux that is mostly rocks but had a fossil section & found this little guy for 14 euros (I guess that would be about $16.) I asked the clerk how they knew it was real and he said they found it in an area that had lots of other coprolites & fossils. It's funny that it comes from the States. They had other coprolites from Madagascar, I think but I thought this one looked the most like a real poop. :P


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"Real" or not, it certainly looks the part!

I wish I could watch his reaction... :)

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I'm pretty sure it's gonna be, "What in the world?!!" :blink::P Followed by lots of laughing...

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It doesn't really matter if it is 'real' or not.

The odds of Dino poop preserving is minimal. In our badlands we come across a specimen now and then that 'May' be a poop...but not definitive. I have found hardened concretions with a bit of vertebrate remains in them...so possibly theropod poop but could be from other beasties.

Anyone could make Dino looking poop. Lots of natural clays can look like poop.

Bottom line...if some seller calls a specimen Dino poop then...meh...no credibility. It they state 'may' be poop, then more legitimate.

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What would the stuff covering the outside of the coprolite be. A little of it rubbed off on the paper. Is it a kind of rust? Dust? Could it be bad to breathe it? Just wondering since it will eventually go on a shelf either in my son's room or on my work desk in the living room.

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