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Advice on Ordovician brachiopod slab


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice, tips, or Web links that would help me figure out what to do with this slab of Ordovician brachiopods. They are flaking a lot. I rinsed them with some water to get the dirt off.but I think I may have made it worse. I don't really collect fossils so I don't have a lot of background, although I am familiar with the basic kinds that are common here in Ohio. I'd like to keep this slab and I just don't want it to get in any worse condition if I can. Slab measures 2 feet by 2 feet. Thanks!


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if you got the dirt off, you can brush on a coat of 50/50 white glue and water and let it soak in. that will help stabilize the piece.

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" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

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You might try an even thinner solution of white glue, to avoid any sort of gloss that might result from a thicker one. It doesn't take much to secure any loose bits that want to flake off. I use toilet paper to dab off any excess that pools or drips, as these will dry glossy.

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Wow, that was a concentrated bed! Hope you didn't have to lug it too far, my back is hurting just looking at it.

Edited by caldigger
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