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Question about Pterosaurs and POC


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Yeah.....I was the one that started us off on the wrong pterosaur path. Like sseth said...they are paper thin. Scariest finds I ever prepared were pterosaur bones!

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I'm far from a pterosaur expert but don't see it. I added your pictures and lightened them all others can get a good look at your bone. Also attached a great link to "Oceans of Kansas" on Pterosaurs so you can see if you compare your bone to the wing bones shown.



Just to clarify, those are not my pics nor am I the original post. I just don't want to take credit for the pics or the finds. :D

The link you gave is great. Thanks. The particular part where it says "These are all marine deposits, as much as hundreds of miles from the nearest shoreline at the time." is good evidence for a possibility and as someone else said the area at POC is the right stage for it.

Yeah.....I was the one that started us off on the wrong pterosaur path. Like sseth said...they are paper thin. Scariest finds I ever prepared were pterosaur bones!

LOL! It was you! But, it was your comment that had me thinking/questioning would there really be a possibility to find something like that there? I wanted to dig into that a little more...on the internet. I really haven't stopped thinking about and I had to go searching for that post again. I know it is an exceedingly rare chance but I wanted to try to confirm that there might actually be a real possibility at least, if not get a confirmation of it happening before. Or maybe even a similar finding in TX of the similar age in the same formation.

Thanks SSeth for those pics! That is awesome that you get to work with them.

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