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Fish Jaw In Eocene Concretion From Wa State


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That's one of those nodules that didn't show any diagnostic "crabbiness"; sure glad you "wasted your time" and opened it!

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That's one of those nodules that didn't show any diagnostic "crabbiness"; sure glad you "wasted your time" and opened it!

This is from a creek locality that produces Raninioid crabs and sharks teeth in round concretions that look like duds from other places. This one was actually split open and laying face up on a gravel bar. Your absolutely right though, I normally dont waste my time with the round ones at many of the places I collect. It is however a good Idea at new locality's.

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Kinda sorta rare from Washington state. My Wife found this in the creek yesterday.


Hmm... Concretion sure looks familiar. Without giving too much away -- Lewis County? Does the crab you find there look anything like my avatar? Anyway, I'd be happy to share the location I'm thinking of if you contact me separately. This is a great place with a wide variety of fossils including fish bones and a few shark teeth. WDNR had "given" the access area to private landowners last time I was there about 10 years ago so I couldn't get in. I would be interested in knowing what the current status is if anyone is interested in checking. I'm pretty sure it is still public land, but it might take some exploration to get to the creek though the "back door."


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Mike, This wasnt found in lewis county. Sounds like it would be fun to have a contest with all the concretion guys here but it would give up to many spots LOL. Guess were this conc came from? I think about that when I post pics of concs but If somebody knows where it came from its not a new spot for them so no harm done. Sometimes I see pics from other people of concs from areas that I collect, there ussually old pics ;)

The lyphomastix crabs I am finding have wider spines on the sides then yours.


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Mike, This wasnt found in lewis county. Sounds like it would be fun to have a contest with all the concretion guys here but it would give up to many spots LOL. Guess were this conc came from? I think about that when I post pics of concs but If somebody knows where it came from its not a new spot for them so no harm done. Sometimes I see pics from other people of concs from areas that I collect, there ussually old pics ;)

The lyphomastix crabs I am finding have wider spines on the sides then yours.


My site was unique in my hunting the Lincoln Creek Formation -- in terms of the kinds of concretions and the variety/kinds of fossils. My site wasn't much of a secret -- I learned of it from a club guy -- but in order to really get to the productive areas you had to battle a lot of stinging nettles and devil's club. Anyway, it looks like you might have a "sister location" to mine. If the crab has wider spines than mine, then I knowa paleontologist who would really like to see an example.


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That's right the wife did it again heheheh its amazing what he walks over and i find i guess that its him being so tall and me being so short lol

i came saw drooled and collected

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Sweet! I love the detail.

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

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Purdy neat. I would guess some kind of operculum too. I used to have quite a few fish bones and such, some extreamly awsome, but donated 99% of it. Now I miss some of those things. Now i need a kleenex. BTHRRAAATHPT!!!!!


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