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Kainops Trilobite

Northern Sharks

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I just got this one and, being new to trilobites, would appreciate any input on this bug. It was labeled as Kainops invius, from the lower devonian Bois d'Arc Formation in Coal County OK. Everything I found seems to prove this as possible, but I'm wondering about how to tell this species apart from say Kainops raymondi. Straightened out, this guy would be about 1 1/2 inches long. Thanks in advance






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Guest solius symbiosus
... I'm wondering about how to tell this species apart from say Kainops raymondi.

Part O of the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology will have the details, but it gets starts to get very technical when differentiating between species.

Nice detail on the eyes. Have you put it under very much magnification?

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Part O of the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology will have the details, but it gets starts to get very technical when differentiating between species.

Nice detail on the eyes. Have you put it under very much magnification?

That last picture is the most my camera will zoom and that's the highest magnification I have. Came out pretty good if I do say so myself.

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It's difficult enough to I.D. a Phacopida to the genus let alone the species. Trilobites go through different stages, etc. and the difference between species in a genus is best decided from locale and formation. Usually the type of colour,preservation, etc. hints at the locale decides the species. My only caveat would be to collect it yourself or, if you buy or trade fossils, obtain from the original collector. Trilobites are notoriously mislabled...especially if passing through a few hands. There are a lot of phacopida in collections from Oklahoma and the I.D.s can be questionable.

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Well, after much more searching, it looks like my bug may very well be Paciphacops campbelli.I found out that one main difference is the lenses in the eyes. Paciphacops has 3-4 in a row while Kainops has 6-8. My last photo shows a pretty good close up and there are about 3 lenses in each row. Thanks for the help guys. Here's the link http://www.trilobites.info/eyes.htm

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