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Point-a Dam Alabama

Guest N.AL.hunter

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Guest N.AL.hunter

I finally received permission for our trip to Point-A Dam for the weekend of June 27/28.

Between then and now, I'll be scouting around that area (and areas further west) to find other sites with shark teeth. Please send me PMs if you plan to come to this hunt.

Warning: this site can flood and I cannot guarantee that it will be good for that weekend. Also, it can be very hard work to get to the fossils at this site, so only come if you are up to hard work (of course teeth can be found with a lot less effort, but you just wont find as many).

The closest town in Alabama to this site is Andalusia, so if you are going to want a motel room, that is the place to stay. There is also a camping area above the dam at the far end of the small lake. I haven't been there in a long time, so I'll check it out within the next month to make sure it is still there.

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Guest N.AL.hunter
sounds great!!! hey how are you guys down there?

We had damage all around us, but not in my town (besides a few trees and limbs). Thanks for asking.

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We had damage all around us, but not in my town (besides a few trees and limbs). Thanks for asking.

Good to hear you are OK. Very wet spring so far, I'm sure the rivers in AL are just as flooded as the Suwanee and Santa Fe are here. Just hope things dry out in the next few months 'cause I would sure like to try this site before it gets closed off like so many others.

Thanks for your thorough scout work, N.AL, you go beyond the call of duty

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  • 1 month later...
Guest N.AL.hunter

Well the time is getting close for the Point-A Dam trip, so I am bumping this posting. Here are some of the closest Motels to our site, but there are several more in Andalusia for you to choose from. We will stay in the Econo Lodge and meet Saturday morning at 8:00 am in the parking lot of that motel. We will not be camping as mentioned earlier. Dates: June 27 and 28. We have permission for this site on this date.

Suggested that you bring very good shovel, smaller digging device (I use a knife with 7 inch blade), and a screen. I find that the best screen for this site is any with very small openings, less than the usual 1/4 inch. We use metal trays that are actually part of a desk set, but it is hard to find them now ( I will have an extra one or two with me).

Also have plenty to drink and a lunch with you. Wear a hat and protect yourself from the sun. We wear old shoes we don't mind getting wet, they will get wet.

Again, this site is prone to flooding. Also, it requires hard work if you want to better your chances of finding the rarer specimens.

If you are coming, please let me know somehow. Hope to see some folks there. Del


Comfort Inn Andalusia

- www.comfortinn.com - (334) 222-8891 - 10 reviews


Days Inn Hotels: Andalusia

- www.daysinn.com - (334) 427-0050 - 2 reviews


Econo Lodge

- www.econolodge.com - (334) 222-7511

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Can't wait to get up there, just hope the river goes down in the next month. Guess we'll drive up Friday night and head back Sunday afternoon, looks like a 4-5 hour drive from here. Tried to find the dam on Map-It, I'm assuming the nearest town is Great Falls? didn't see any road near the dam either, so I guess it is a dirt road and hopefully not too long of a hike. I would add to your recommendations a good insect repellent.

Is the Econo Lodge in Andalusia too? If so I guess that's where we'll stay also. Any of the Gainesville locals who would like to go are welcome to ride with us, the Honda CRV is not luxurious but roomy enough for 2 more and dependable.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

The walk to the site will be approximately 200-300 yards. Easy level ground until the very end. I have ony stayed at one motel down there and can't remember which one it was, but there are several in Andalusia. The site is approx. 3-5 miles from the motel where I stayed before. Looking forward to seeing you again. Let's hope for dry spell!!

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We hunted that site with our kids about 10 years ago....great fun! Lots of cool teeth and barbs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest N.AL.hunter

Last Notice: Saturday and Sunday, June 27/28. Will meet at 8:00am in parking lot of the Econo Lodge in Andalusia, Alabama. See above posts for more info.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest N.AL.hunter

Holly and I got here this afternoon and soon met up with Hawkeyeherps and his two sons. We went out to scout the site and I was shocked to see the upper 1/2 ruined!! Not by fossil hunters, but by the organization which owns the property. We did find some good exposure for tomorrow's hunt, but a lot of this formation might be gone for good. They have bull-dozed for some reason. Fresh, rotting vegetation is all over. Oh well, at least there is still a 100m long section for hunting. We will take pictures and post them when we get home Sunday evening. We are still waiting for two more groups to show for this hunt. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the river stays low like it is today (but it could be lower).

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Just got back from this trip. Here's a few photos I took while my loot was drying. The sawfish rostral teeth are: Left side of photo--Anoxypristis sp., right sideof photo--Pristis cf. lathami. The Anoxypristis fossils were ones I found last year as this site. The ray oral plate I haven't yet identified but seems to match Aetobatus sp. very well. It consists of most of the upper tooth plates. The other photo is of all the fossil teeth I found during the day and a half of digging.

The large Pristis rostral tooth was given to me by Hawkeyeherps and his sons. They found it during the trip and very generously offered it to me. Thanks Hawkeyeherps!

This trip was a blast!





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What a nice haul Jason,looks like things went well for you all. I can't wait to see the other finds. B)B)B):D


It's my bone!!!

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The large Pristis rostral tooth was given to me by Hawkeyeherps and his sons. They found it during the trip and very generously offered it to me. Thanks Hawkeyeherps!

This trip was a blast!

No problem. My older son figured you would appreciate it more than he did. I'm proud of him.

Great trip. Good to meet everybody, I'll get my stuff posted tomorrow.

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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I love that huge plate, 5 inches...

and that top tooth in the pic to the left.

Don';t think I have seen one like that before

Welcome to the forum!

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Nice finds.

Roz, I think thats 5 CM :P

Yes, the ruler is showing centimeters rather than inches. I forgot to mention that.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

I'll be posting some pics tonight. We had a good time, but it sure was hot!! Some of us even suffered a little heat exhaustion. I did. 105F heat index for Saturday's hunt. However, we did find many teeth, approx 1500 or so plus all the ray stuff and sawfish stuff... Being a good host, I allowed the best finds to be made by the others.

One Ric was found, the large ray plate as pictured above, many nurse shark teeth, and angel shark teeth, and something sounding similar to wobigone shark teeth. We did not get to dig where I would have liked to because the water level was still too high, but we still found a good selection of stuff.

But it was too darn HOT!!

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P-man, I swear I thought you'd taken a pic of the heel of a shoe! Del's previous post of frustration had me looking for "lean pickings".... :P

Really cool find.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Some pics. Quality not great. Love the small teeth. There are two I do not know what they are, they will be posted last. Any ideas?

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Could the "other thing" be a fish spine?

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“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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