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Frank Menser

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As posted elsewhere I am doing a series of drawings for a possible Museum exibit. One of my subjects is the Agnathian, Americaspis. In recreating as life-like as possible a fish, I have been trying (without success) to determine if the rear (unarmored) portions of Americaspis was covered with scales - or naked (like a catfish).

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance... :)


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I have the exact same label that came with mine! :D

Be true to the reality you create.

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Wow... that's a lot more heavily scaled than I expected. :D

Raises another question, if the tail of Americaspis is as heavily armored as that fish or was the fin naked? I am thinking on my representation that it likely moved like a tadpole, so flexibility is an issue.

Be true to the reality you create.

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I am trying to go for as life-like as possible on the movements. With this new info you have supplied I think I will adjust a bit as it seems more reminicent of certain small similarly scaled catfish we see in the pet trade. With a touch of (forgive) artistic licsense, I will proceed and post the results here.

Be true to the reality you create.

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