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Cave Bear, and getting parts.

amour 25

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Okay don't have any Cave Bear parts, I am thinking of getting a few over the next year or so.

I have a site where I will buy from , not in the states,so do most come from Russia, these parts are listed as from Poland?

I have bought stuff from this guy is honest and ships quick.


Nope not going to say where. ;)

Edited by amour 25


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Mine are from Romania and Austria.

I have read online that the stuff coming out if Russia is not from a cave bear "Ursus spelaeus" but from a smaller bear from the same time period. I don't know if that is true or not but buyer be ware.

I bought mine from a dealer in the Netherlands. Jaw, fingers, vertebra, teeth and knee cap.

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Yeah I read that also. Get pieces from Romania. I know a great website for them. If you're interested, send me a PM

Edited by Raptor Lover

"Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you" Job 12:8

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  • 1 month later...

Hi mate! How did your spelaeus purchase go? I have a little (or a lot) spelaeus stuff and all of mine is from Austria and from the same guy who Fossil Claw got his from. However, he hasn't had any lately. I know a nice lady in Vienna who sells super cheap Cave Bear stuff from the "Drachenhöhle" (Dragons Cave) in Mixnitz, Austria. I currently have a beautiful jaw with all teeth and canine, and an ulna coming in the mail. :)

Edited by ElToro
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"That belongs in a museum!"

- Indiana Jones

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I have a number of cave bear bones from Zoolithenhöhle, Germany. Though I bought them at a fair in Holland. Some of them make up a like a half complete composite foot.

Some photos.





Edited by LordTrilobite

Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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I have a number of cave bear bones from Zoolithenhöhle, Germany. Though I bought them at a fair in Holland. Some of them make up a like a half complete composite foot.

Some photos.





Very nice! I'm trying to get a whole paw together and build a composite. I have a good mate who's a veterinarian and helps me get it right, but its hard getting all the parts of the right size! And from the same place. Different locations look very different in colour.
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"That belongs in a museum!"

- Indiana Jones

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  • 1 month later...

That's interesting because 20-25 years ago there used to be a guy who sold cave bear stuff (teeth to complete skeletons) from Mixnitz, Austria, and for a while, anytime I saw cave bear stuff for sale from other people, it was also from there. Then, by the late 90's I stopped seeing teeth/bones from Austria but it started coming from Romania about that time. I have seen some teeth from France as well.

A friend once told me that scientists filled railroad cars with cave bear remains from Austria and that a scientist once offered to give him a skull because they were so common (would have been in the 1960's or 70's). At the time my friend was such a purist about his collection (made up of only fossils he found) so he politely declined the offer.

Hi mate! How did your spelaeus purchase go? I have a little (or a lot) spelaeus stuff and all of mine is from Austria and from the same guy who Fossil Claw got his from. However, he hasn't had any lately. I know a nice lady in Vienna who sells super cheap Cave Bear stuff from the "Drachenhöhle" (Dragons Cave) in Mixnitz, Austria. I currently have a beautiful jaw with all teeth and canine, and an ulna coming in the mail. :)

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That's interesting because 20-25 years ago there used to be a guy who sold cave bear stuff (teeth to complete skeletons) from Mixnitz, Austria, and for a while, anytime I saw cave bear stuff for sale from other people, it was also from there. Then, by the late 90's I stopped seeing teeth/bones from Austria but it started coming from Romania about that time. I have seen some teeth from France as well.

A friend once told me that scientists filled railroad cars with cave bear remains from Austria and that a scientist once offered to give him a skull because they were so common (would have been in the 1960's or 70's). At the time my friend was such a purist about his collection (made up of only fossils he found) so he politely declined the offer.

Cool! I've been making inroads in the Ursus spelaeus world and have now purchased a complete bear paw. For €200! This is from the Austrian lady and her husband. They have a lot of Mixnitz stuff. Hands, jaws, longbones etc. Mixnitz has about 50 caves and I assumed mine was from the Drachenhöhle, I didn't know about the other caves. They have loads of stuff from these caves, most of it collected by the husband himself.

Also, I'd like to make a note here about the many Russian Cave Bear fossils for sale these days. They are from the Ural Mountains and are a different species all together called Ursus uralensis which is an old offshoot related to the Brown Bear. They didn't live in caves all year round, only hibernating in them. They are not "Cave" bears. And they are way more common that Ursus spelaeus. The difference is quite is easy to see when looking at the skull. These bears are almost ALWAYS sold as "cave bear" and for similar prices. They are still cool, but they aint cave bear.

"That belongs in a museum!"

- Indiana Jones

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