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Is there a way to unstick pages?


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A couple of days ago I discovered that a water leak had soaked a stack of reprints in my basement. After drying, I was able to tease some pages apart, they are wrinkled and a bit discolored but readable. However some of the reprints are quite stuck together. In particular, the cover pages (which are a heavier/glossier paper) are stuck, almost like they are glued, so the cover of one reprint is firmly attached to the next. I tried to use a butter knife to get them separated but the paper is too attached so one side or the other rips.

Does anyone know how to unstick paper like this without too much damage? Maybe steam?


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if it is a cheap pulp paper probably not

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I am told with postage stamp sheets sticking together - put them in the freezer. That may be worth a try. Good luck.

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Well there is a lot on google, and it's all very discouraging. It turns out glossy paper is sealed with a binder, and when that gets wet it turns into glue. Once the pages have dried, they are a solid block of glue and nothing will separate them. The only hope is, if the pages are not too stuck, they might be separated using a teflon blade. A few of the reprints seem not too stuck so that might be worth a try, but others are a solid block that I can't even bend and they are likely a total loss. I'll try the freezer trick but I'm not too hopeful. That sometimes works for stamps because the moisture in the freezer penetrates and solublizes the glue, but for pages with printed text or photos the ink will transfer to the opposite page.


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I would also try the steam on those that look like a total loss.


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