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Earliest Archosaur

Gelatinous squid

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The Proterosuchia, being the most primitive of the Thecodonts, radiated explosively in the early Triassic with a confusing array of divergent and convergent evolution. The foundations for crocodiles, ornithischians, sauropods, and theropods were all laid at that time. Exactly where the direct ancestors of birds budded off is in dispute, but there is a consensus that it was after the crocodilians went their way. It is my opinion that Ornithurines share a common (non-avian) ancestor with the Enantiorthinines, but that the former are not derived from the latter. My thinking is that, in a cladistic view, "birds" evolved twice; phylogenically, it is a re-expression of genetic propensity.

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Thank you for you welcome and for your response to my question. I hope you don't mind if I ask a whole lot more of them, but I have a lot rolling around in my head. :)

Could I ask, would Euparkeria therefore be considered a good enough candidate for the latest common ancestor between crocs and birds?

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