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Where would this tooth be in the Tyrannosaur's mouth?


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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone would be able to tell me where this tooth would have been in it's owner's mouth. It's a Tyrannosaur tooth from the Judith River formation, Eastern Montana. It's about 1.52" long. Also, which is the most common Tyrannosaur out of Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaurus and Albertosaurus in the Judith River formation? Also, is there any specific reason why the tip would be missing? Would it be something that happened when it was feeding, or was it just broken by something else?

Here are some photos of the tooth:



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I attached a guide to tyrannosaur tooth location which may assist you to better locate the tooth in the jaw. A photo of the base of your tooth is needed to see the cross sectional shape. My initial thought is that it's a tooth from the front of the jaw because of the location of the carinas and possibly a maxillary position.

Your missing tip is anyone's guess. It does not look like feeding damage so it could have been during extraction or fossilization. Can you take a photo dead on the tip, it may reveal more clues.

I have not see estimates on which tyrannosaur was more common in the Judith River. I would think it would be pretty difficult since you cannot differentiate them by teeth and the bones would also be similiar. Skulls are probably the best method but I've gotta to believe the sampling size is quite small to draw any conclusions.


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troodon has spoken well. I suspect the broken tip is post-fossilization. It broke in the ground. Possibly just a crack and when it was either excavated or eroded out of the hillside, the tip piece was separated from the main body and the two never found each other again. It is a nice right angle break,which suggests post fossilization break.

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Okay, thanks Troodon and jpc, I'll try get a photo of the tip, the photos there are the ones from the seller. The tooth hasn't arrived in the post yet but it should be here soon. When it does I'll get photos of it as soon as possible.

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