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Triassic Treasure Trove


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Hey Everyone

Went for a short trip to my closest outcrop of fossils today, Its a sea cliff exposure of triassic shales that usually yeilds tons of horsetails and the occasionall fern fragent.

With all the recent large surf i figure there may be some fresh falls to look through, i was right! :D

I found a nice, very recent rock fall pile that was packed full of Dicrodium seed fern Fragments! the Blocks had fallen quite far so large pieces were hard to come bye but within an hour I picked up 10 or so good fragments! I have to admit this is the best I have ever done here, usually i fill the bag with some alrite horsetails and 1 or two ferns. The ferns i picked up today were not only more abundant but because the fall was fresh and the tide had not come in and destroyed the very delicate and fragile black film covering the leaves, the 1hr spent splitting rocks was well worth it!

most of the ferns are not very camera friendly and beacuse the black flim comes off it is hard to distinguish what your looking at in a picture... sorry

I also found several seeds attached to the stem of the ferns and I also discoverd an unusuall type of leaf very similar to a small banna leaf, almost like a giant glossopteris leaf...hmm mabey someone can help me with this? :huh:

Willl post some pics of the fossils when they decide to be camera freindly :angry:

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Sounds like fun Kauffy. I wish I was there. I wouldnt mind finding some nice leaf fossils in another country, thats for sure.


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Good job :Thumbs-up: The unknown leaf would be a very interesting picture maybe someone here can I.D. it for you.

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ye im trying to get pics now.... so frustration!! arrgggghhhh!!!

they just dont pick up in the pictures....hmm mabey if i took them outside...

ok will be back, take 20! :lol:


"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GEESE! ABOUT TIME!!!....i reakon!! <_<

Sorry People...heres some pics of the location and one fern...its the best i could do...honest.... :P

They just dont want to be camera friendly GRR :angry:

but the one pic gives you an idea on what im findind....

At the moment Im cataloging all the different species into my note book wtih sketches so I will show you that when i get some more done.

Thanks for waiting :P

The loaction:



Cliff and Snapped Surfboard washed up by the recent large surf!



My Recent Rock fall which produced some goodies!


Me looking patiently looking through the pile


One Fern....(the one that decided it was not camera shy)...my only friend! LOL


Will have some pics of my sketches soon!....bt then again....knowing me, i wouldnt count on the "soon part of that sentence! :P:P:P:P:P

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Thanks Guys!

Yep Jaws got some yummy surfer! Glad it wasnt me :P

Tis' a nice location but its a major effort to walk back up 200 stairs (1 foot high) with 50 pounds of rock on your back!! but i guess in the end its worth it...


"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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  • 1 month later...

ok.....here are a couple of pics from my logbook...they are four of the types of ferns i have found at this location, just thought i would share then with you since its nearly impossible to get a good picture of the actual fossil....oh and just ignore my spelling...theres bound to be a lot of mistakes! :P

here they are!






"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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