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Truths about Triceratops


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Interesting You Tube discussion about the Ceratopsian Triceratops using a toy. It's long but I found it informative and dispelled lots of misinformation about the purpose of the horns, frill etc.

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Fascinating, and I'm glad he didn't try and push the Triceratops=Torosaurus theory which really grinds my gears!

I was happy so spare 25 minutes digesting that anyway, and in the less engaging sections I could amuse myself trying to identify the dinoar shapes in the background.

I'm going for (from top left) Corythosaurus, T-Rex, Therizinosaurus, Pteranodon, Allosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Parasaurolophus, Velociraptor, Diplodocus, Stegosaurus, Iguanodon, Dilophosaurs (or possibly Cryolophosaurus) and Edmontosaurus, though certainly they're not to scale or else the Velociraptor would be the size of a diplodocus and imagine having that sickle claw in your guts!

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Fascinating, and I'm glad he didn't try and push the Triceratops=Torosaurus theory which really grinds my gears!

Interesting presentation, and I agree with you it was just mentioned

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On the contrary, I disagree; not even mentioning Triceratops-Torosaurus synonymy as a possibility - in positive or negative light - comes across as disingenuous.

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On the contrary, I disagree; not even mentioning Triceratops-Torosaurus synonymy as a possibility - in positive or negative light - comes across as disingenuous.

It was discussed towards the end to be fair, just concluded as unlikely.

I'm pragmatic about these split and merge genus issues. I tend to agree Monoclonius was most likely an immature Centrosaurus, I can buy that Dracorex was a development phase of Stygimoloch (though Pachyceph seems improbable) and I am firmly in the camp of Nanno rex being a juvenile T-rex but the idea of Torosaurus being a superannuated Triceratops just seems completely outlandish and inexplicable.

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