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April 25 And 26 Weekend Aurora Trip Canceled


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We just got our call that this coming weekend trip has canceled. This is our third time being canceled. They have canceled 5 out of 9 weekends so far. Bummer b/c we got the call for our third rain make up then not an hour later after I rescheduled my MRI and my husband got a co-worker to cover him we were called back within an hour and told us they were canceled again for the April 25 and 26. I am told that the reclamation forces the water to flood more readily now. It used to be that an area would stay open for a few seasons and now in a matter of weeks they are reclaiming the area. I wonder if anyone knows why that is.Three times now but if they called us we would do it again.

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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Guest N.AL.hunter

You ask about the speed of the reclamation at PCS. I can only tell you about here in Alabama at the open pit coal mines. Here, they reclaim as they go. They get about 100 yards of open pit going and then start reclaiming the earlier parts as they keep moving along. Nothing is really left un-reclaimed for more than a week. And many great fossils are getting covered up.

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The Aurora mine is fighting to stay a live because the contract to mine in a new area denied by the government and will create even a bigger problem. Jobs are on the line in the future. They are trying to fight it but it could be the end of collecting there in the future not to say the least many jobs. They have had to lay off contractors and reassign jobs to keep people working. In this economy that is not good in there area b/c most of the people depend on those jobs at the mine. I know collecting at Aurora is important to a lot of us but the bigger picture is the people who depend on that mine for there livelihood. I only hope that for people who work there they can keep the mine open even if we cannot collect there. I guess even though this is our third cancellation, there is a bigger problem, a bigger picture for those workers then for us.

The best days are spent collecting fossils

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Three times now but if they called us we would do it again.

Funny how that works. This is my second cancellation this spring and, even with the great possibility of future cancellations, I would also rearrange things to take a chance on another slot this Spring. Pretty irrational behavior, I think. Too bad there are no makeups available now. Hope the Fall is better.

Besides fossils,

I collect roadcuts,

Stream beds,

Winter beaches:

Places of pilgrimage.

Jasper Burns, Fossil Dreams

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ah dang! its coming for me now! I had a feeling this would happen, sorry that you couldnt get it. -_-

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Hunting Lee Creek is such an extraordinary opportunity that I'd keep coming to the dance no matter what!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Hunting Lee Creek is such an extraordinary opportunity that I'd keep coming to the dance no matter what!

yes..... only been waiting 5 years to go to the "dance" and i think there may be a hole in the roof. -_-

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well there is an upside, at least you can watch the NFL draft, hey ok maybe its not as great as you would hope but its always good to see things from a different prospective

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