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Source for stands?


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Does anyone know of a source for these iron display stands? I saw some in Tucson, but the line was insanely long and never moved for the entire 20 minutes I stood there. Unfortunately, I had people waiting for me and had to just leave. These stands sell for .50 to .85 cents each wholesale. I am looking for a quantity of these. I have seen them on FleaBay for $4.00 ea. which is ridiculous!

If anyone knows of a wholesaler that sells these, I'd be appreciative If you can P.M. me the information.





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Don't keep it too "P," though; I'll bet there are a bunch of us who'd like to know!

Not much of a lead, but I've found good deals on various kinds of supplies by scouring ebay and just coming back until someone offers a better price. Doesn't work for everything, but, for example, I've gotten good prices on small glass specimen containers for microfossils that way.


Wendell Ricketts
Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology

The "InvertebrateMe" blog

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I know exactly what you mean. I was waiting with two friends while another was in that line to get those stands. It was one of the colder days of the show. He was in line for about an hour and a half but he needed those for his business, and yeah, everyone else wants a few bucks a piece so he was willing to wait. The company is Village Originals.


Does anyone know of a source for these iron display stands? I saw some in Tucson, but the line was insanely long and never moved for the entire 20 minutes I stood there. Unfortunately, I had people waiting for me and had to just leave. These stands sell for .50 to .85 cents each wholesale. I am looking for a quantity of these. I have seen them on FleaBay for $4.00 ea. which is ridiculous!

If anyone knows of a wholesaler that sells these, I'd be appreciative If you can P.M. me the information.

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I stood in the same line at the same venue for far too long, but needed the stands for my fossil fish. I stood in the line because I include the stand (s) with what I sell. Re-selling the stands for what I paid for them is counter productive. There is a reason I pay for a wholesalers license. I buy the number of stands based on the number of fish I hope to sell, selling stands means less fish for sale.


Old Dead Things

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Brent, these stands are fairly inexpensive and quite versatile. they can be adjusted (bent) to accommodate different sizes of the object one is displaying. Plus, I couldn't make these out of wood for what they cost in the iron configuration. What was so upsetting about the show tent is the checkout line was for 10 items or less and people were buying one to two shopping carts full of items through it. There were about seven customers ahead of me and it literally didn't move for the 20 minutes I stood in line. It would have been a good hour or more before I could have been checked out. My ride wanted to leave so I had no choice but to put the items back and leave the tent.

I too need the stands. I sell a lot of larger mineral specimens along with fossils and those acrylic/ plastic stands just do not stand up to the weight ranges I put on them for displays.

Thank all that have given their input.


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