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Crinoid Species


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Hello everybody. I'm trying to identify my crinoids but nothing comes up. So my question is how can I identify my crinoids? BTW:

Do crinoids even have species?

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Hi, Crinoids do have species. Guess you would have to narrow the search down by location / fossil characteristics. Would love to see some photos!

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Crinoids certainly have species (and genera, families, etc). However, accurate identification generally requires at least a complete calyx, which are relatively rare. Most commonly people find segments of the stalk (aka stem), and these bits lack diagnostic characters. At best, you may be able to make an "educated guess" based on the species that are confidently known (based on complete specimens) in the specific rock formation you collected the stalk segments from. However usually even that is impossible. Individual plates from disarticulated calyxes may (or may not) be identifiable, depending on the presence or absence of distinctive ornament, but again this is usually done by referencing complete specimens from the same formation.


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