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Roadcut Near St. Louis


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I went back to this spot i collected at back in 1985, when i was 17. This stretch of highway has since been moved south which destroyed much of the roadcut i was familiar with. At the time, I found hundreds of blastoids and geodes. The Geodes contained Kaolinite and doubly terminated quartz crystals. I walked up and down this roadcut scanning the scree piles below the cut. I found alot of horn coral and bryozoans, but no Blastoids or crinoids. I DID find geodes both at this cut and across the highway. I had to scan between the clumps of grass (which was thick) to see the rocks underneath. I found maybe 20 geodes, smallish in size except for 1 (the pic). They contained Kaolinite and limonite, but only 2 of them were any good. And still no Blastoids. I didn't explore on top of this roadcut for fear that it would get myself killed and it might be private property (and i couldn't find a house nearby to ask for permission to collect). One of the pics is of a piece of fragile limestone with bryozoans throughout. One is a big geode I found. I want to get on top of that roadcut. I'm going back in a few weeks to find the owner of that property.

Next week I'll be busy with collecting around Carbondale, Il. At some coal mine spoil piles, hopefully I'll find some concretions filled with marvelous and rare fossils.






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Such are the trials and travails of fossil collectors. The sites we remember as kids are now cleaned out or gone. :( It just means we have to move on and find new sites! :)

Good pics of the cut and conditions. If those Blastoids were there once, they will be again. Just keep looking and do a little research on the formations. Maybe you will find out which rock layer is most likely to have them.



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Geodan -

keep watching the Meremac near Hwy 44 and Hwy 30 when the spring water goes down. There will be a BUNCH of crinoids, achimedes and fish teeth in the Warsaw Fm. there.

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