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Rock Identification Needed


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I was walking along creek bed in Central Tennessee and found this rock while looking for geodes. I can't imagine what it could be if anything. But I'm intrigued by the symmetrical indentation and shape. Any guesses? Thanks


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I've seen some corals and sponges from Tennessee that have the same basic shape but I can't tell if it's one of those or not.

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i don't think that is a fossil. The picture is not sharp, but i think it is a fragment of a chert nodule. i see them all the time like this, circular with a circular indentation in the middle. I guess when it broke apart this fragment broke away from the center, leaving that hole or indentation.

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It looks like some sandstone nodules that come from southern OK, that the locals call Indian marbles, but I have seen some the size of baseballs. All that is in these are loose sand. That is what yours looks like to me.post-498-1241047411_thumb.jpg

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Mamma Betts, we have the exact same things found in the Dakota Sandstone exposures of NC Kansas. I also find leaf impressions in the same formation.

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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